Garlic cloves tucked into the corners of the threshold of entry doors keep out negative energies and unwanted visitors. On Hogmany Eve (New Year's Eve), braid or string thirteen garlic bulbs and hang them in the kitchen to absorb undesired energies. (Be sure to throw out the ones from the previous year.) Roasting and eating garlic with supper aids digestion and keeps the skin young. Cutting a garlic clove and wiping the juice on a knife empowers it to deflect negative energies. Do this on a ...
Enhance your ability to meditate by sitting comfortably before a lit pale blue candle and a gentle incense. Ground and center yourself, connecting your energy with the Earth's energy. Move your power hand in a direct line from the top of your head to the center of your tummy, turning the hand as you go so as to come to rest lightly on your other hand as it rests palm up in your lap. For two counts each, breathe in, hold, release through the mouth, and hold. Repeat two more times, cleansing your ...
After consecrating a tarot deck, to prevent outside influences invading your cards set it on a pentacle at the center of your altar with a white candle lit at either side. In front of the pentacle, light a stick of frankincense or lavender incense. Wrap a black thread around the deck as you say: This tarot is mine, consecrated to my use, bound by the thread that ties it to me. I charge that no unwanted influence hold sway over these cards by air [pass through incense smoke], by fire, [pass ...
To cast a spell about your car, on a square of light blue cotton cloth place a bit of betony and mustard seed, saying: "For their protective energies." Add fennel seed and St. John's wort, saying: "For their power and strength." Tie together the ends of the cloth with red string, saying: "For might." Then consecrate the bundle during a waxing or Full Moon. Decorate it with feathers, asking for the blessing of the wind, and with beads, asking for the blessing of the earth. Walk around your car, ...