A dark moon is neither an inhale nor an exhale but rather the pause between the breaths. It’s the perfect time to energetically detoxify and clear the decks for a fresh and successful new moon cycle and lunar year. Cover a salad plate with sea salt and sprinkle dried sage over the top of it. Place a black candle in the center of the plate and light it safely. Imagine all heaviness, stuckness, and energetic debris within your body, aura, home, and life being sucked toward the candle and into the sea salt and sage, where it is instantly neutralized and dissolved. Relax and breathe deeply. Willingly release all tension, worry, and other unwanted emotions, feeling them drain from you and disappear. Extinguish the candle. If possible, enhance this candle spell with physical forms of detoxification, such as clutter clearing, drinking lots of pure water, taking a sea salt bath, and/or eating lots of healthy, natural foods. |
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