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Embrace Your Spiritual Fire: 3 Ways To Awaken Your Inner Healer

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As human beings, one of our most interesting and curious capabilities, within our physical form and our vibrational one, is the miraculous ability to heal. Even though there is an answer to why it is possible (which I briefly describe in my book, Heal the Water) it does not make it any less of a miracle.

The scope of what we can heal is endless: physical injuries, mental illness, and spiritual damage—whether within ourselves or in our external environment. At some point in your life, you have done this, even if you weren't consciously aware that you were doing so; maybe you offered kind words to a person down on their luck, or perhaps you sent a prayer out into the universe asking for a sick friend to be cured.

However, to go out and become a healing vessel, we first need to awaken ourselves and embrace our healing potential. We are all born with the gift of healing; to access that inner healer, you have to deeply expand your consciousness. The more awakened you are to your divine inner healing potential, the stronger you are as a healer. Now, that journey can be long (discovering who you are is a process in itself, and you might not even be aware that you are a healer who is a carrier of universal healing power), but you carry a spiritual fire within you. We all do.

Everything is energy. The realm of quantum mechanics states that our bodies are pure energy—total vibration. Everything that we are (that we know) is created from vibrational particles and waves. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, believed that we had the power to heal ourselves by using these innate energies. The Rig Vedas are the oldest scriptures in the world, determined to have been written around 3500 years ago; these ancient Hindu texts provide knowledge about the existence of life. One Veda states that the universe is an ocean of existence, a manifestation that created the universal life force that is within us all.

We are all born with this power to manifest transformation at the vibrational level, a power to change matter and frequency. Your healing energy is so brilliant that it sort of catches on "fire," but instead of physical fire it is an energetic fire, one that builds within you and sets a blaze to your soul. This budding energy inside you, this burning passion to heal—a healing fire, if you will—signifies a forthcoming transformation. It is a purification of the self that will allow you to rise from the ashes that are left in the aftermath. Once this inner fire has been awakened and embraced, you can positively influence everything around you.

The number three has long held spiritual significance, within a number of cultures and belief systems. In numerology, the number three is considered to be the perfect number: the number of the universe. Within Celtic belief systems one example (of many) is the Triquetra symbol, which symbolizes the three levels of existence: the interconnectedness of the mind, the body and the spirit of our life's journey. In Norse mythology, the World Tree Yggdrasil has three roots that are watered by three men each day. In Hinduism, the Puja ritual requires that water be carried around a fire three times. In the Christian Bible, the number three is seen as rejuvenation and rebirth.

Three is associated with transforming your entire life: by embracing this number you can use the positive energy that it gives you and manifest your ideas and dreams of awakening your dormant healer into existence.

To continue and honor the tradition of the sacredness of the divine three, below are three ways you can begin working to awaken your inner healer. You may be familiar with these these suggestions, and you may not. Either way, the benefis of these practices to aid as you awaken your inner healer are valid and real. Working through each of these exercises, over time, allow us to send the old and dusty expired version of ourselves out to curb and bring in that fresh, exciting, and energetic new you. To have a higher consciousness is an awareness of the energetic nature of all that exists. Over time you will achieve this as you travel through your healing journey.

1. Clear Our Your Limiting Beliefs
Your personal beliefs, which you have absorbed over the course of your life, influence what you choose to believe. Most of the time, these beliefs keep us from expanding into a higher awareness; they limit us in ways that we may not have fully examined ourselves. You might not be aware that you carry that burden, but they do keep us from moving forward. We are imprinted with the beliefs of the people and environments that raised us, and we do not always question these beliefs that we are subconsciously given.

However, you do not have to be chained to these pre-existing beliefs. The first step is to recognize that you do have limitations that keep you from fully awakening as a healer. The second step is clear out old ideas and replace them with new, higher vibrational ones. Go out and discover which of these many limitations that you carry actually do not work for you anymore. It is okay to let the parts of the old you go that are no longer serving who you are. As you remove one old limitation find something brilliant and positive with which to replace it.

You need to decide on what is possible for you. How high are you willing to aim your newly expanding bank of knowledge and awareness? It is all about owning your healing process and owning your journey from this point forward. Who do you want to be and how will you achieve that? Becoming free from limits is a powerful feeling—and once you are free there is no boundary to who can become because you are able to fully awaken and create your own beliefs without interference from others.

2. Examine Your Shadow Self
The Shadow Self is the darkest part of who a person is. It is your wounded warrior aspect. It is the hidden part of our soul. This is where our most negative and unwanted feelings, thoughts, emotions, conflicts, and unspoken fantasies lay. Overcoming this shadow is difficult; however, it is essential that you work towards bringing these shadows to the light side of your consciousness so that your inner healer can awaken. If you do not acknowledge these shadow aspects, they will continue to live deep beneath your unconscious state.

You will not be capable of awakening your inner healer and offering healing to others if you cannot explore and accept those deeps aspects of your own pain and darkness. These fractions of ourselves are consistently pushed down and silenced throughout our life, usually in response to fear of rejection and hurt from society. This shadow is just a fragment of who we are and how our personality is expressed outwards. Jealousy, bitterness, addiction, depression, anxiety, rage, violence, weak boundaries, and codependency are just some of these unwanted traits that slip out and intermingle with our personality when we interact with others.

Exploring and learning to balance out this shadow aspect with our conscious state allows us to experience more joy and love in our lives. You will be able to be a kinder and gentler person to the outside world.

Observe your reactions to the stimuli in your environment, and be intentionally mindful of what triggers a particular response in yourself; this is a wonderful way to work towards identifying and reclaiming that shadow part of yourself. Performing this practice will allow you to be able to identify when a stimulus will trigger you, and you can mentally choose to react differently and change that pattern through mindful awareness.

Another way towards healing that inner dark self is to experience the painful root of your emotions and traumas that you have hidden away. You will have to follow that pain until you find the source of your problems. While going through this process, meditation and honest journaling are very helpful in working through the hurtful process of rejuvenation.

3. Try An Ancient Healing Practice
Starting and then balancing out your personal spiritual practices is important to maintain harmony within your physical and vibrational bodies for healing to occur. These practices that I have suggested all have the capability to manifest a higher vibration on the molecular level.

  • Yoga: An ancient and complex practice, yoga extends back as far as five thousand years into the past, but is still widely practiced throughout the world today because of its strong ability to heal on the mental, physical, and emotional levels. It strives to bring a perfect universal connection between the mind, body and the breath using a series of physical poses (asanas), standing poses, and breathing exercises. Yoga can bring you back to yourself and being true to who you are.

    What you feel in your physical body is a manifestation of what is in your spiritual body, and yoga has the ability to release all that spiritual pain and physical anguish that you carry in your soul and in your cells. Yoga introduces positive energy, healing, harmony, light, and love back into your soul. Performing a daily practice over time will remove long-carried, pent-up negative energy that was previously stored in your vibrational and physical planes. You will transcend everything that is holding you back in your life. It will expose you to who you really are, and you will need to take this raw, reborn you and love yourself.

  • Meditation: A most basic description of meditation is training your awareness to focus on being in the present moment. A practice that is thousands of years old, its benefits are many; it has been shown that meditating 10 to 20 minutes per day will actually start to change your brain chemistry. It allows you to relax your current emotions and racing thoughts. It strives towards stilling the mind so that your entire self can be calm, less anxious, and less depressed. It will bring back inner balance and positivity.

    A daily meditation practice allows you to be more aware and mindful in your daily life. Meditation is easy to begin. Simply find a comfortable place to sit. Take your gaze and look gently in front of you but do not focus on anything. Just breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. Notice the movement in your upper body as you do so. Clear your mind of any thoughts. (Easier said than done, I know.) But, be mindful of these thoughts, and then let them float away. Continue this until you are ready to finish.

  • Chakra Healing: Chakras are wheel-shaped energy vortexes of light that run along varying points of the human body. These vital energy centers are known to be the unification between your physical, spiritual, mental, and energetic bodies. When any of these bodies are under duress, the associated chakras become blocked and unbalanced, which can lead stress, mental illness, or physical disease. You can using mantras and guided visualization techniques to rebalance your energy centers.

  • Vedic Mantras and Sacred Sound: These ancient mantras stem from the Rig Veda and are connected to the practice of using sound to heal the physical body. They force you to synchronize your breathing, sound, and senses, bringing you to a higher spiritual level. The vibrations produced during these chants have a profound effect on our human and vibrational existence.

    Using these sacred sounds will vibrate every cell of your body, allowing you to leave behind any negative emotions, thoughts, or doubts, which then gives you higher awareness to move forward with an open mind. I suggest practicing these mantras every day for a minimum of thirty days for full benefit. I am fond of using "OM," which is the most sacred mantra, identified to contain the sound of the entire universe. However, there are hundreds of mantras and other sacred sounds. Take some time to find what brings you to the next level of your spiritual journey.
About Catharine Robinette

Catharine Robinette is an energy medicine practitioner, Usui Reiki Master teacher, reflexologist, chakra healer, and distance healing specialist. She is also a yoga teacher, mindfulness meditation guide, and member of the ...

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