
7 Steps to Working With a Deity, Guide, or Mystical Being

Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, and Candles on a Magical Altar

Before we get started on the path of initiation to working with powerful deities and guides, we'd like to bring awareness to unity consciousness. We are all one, which means that even if we are calling for help from a god or goddess, that does not mean that they are better than us or that we have to sacrifice anything for assistance. When you work with your guides, they are parts of you that are manifested. Your guides represent specific energies from within you that you may want to connect with to fuel and empower your manifestations and desires. In The Mandarin Tree: Manifest Joy, Luck, and Magic with Two Asian American Mystics, we share how you can pathwork and connect with sacred guides from our lineage like the Dragon, Tiger, Phoenix, Money Frog, Kuan Yin, Golden Ancestors, and Laughing Buddha as a modern witch or mystic. Each archetype, deity, guide, and mystical being in our book represents a certain energy and magic with which we can work. With each guide, we share seven powerful ways to initiate and deepen connection with whom you are invoking into your space and life. Yes, you can just tap in and call upon a guide and ask for help, but to really embody their energies and magic, these seven practices are what we have found to work best.

Before you even start working with a guide, make sure you have a meeting with them first and ask if they want to work with you. How we like to do so is by either tapping into the Akashic Records, or simply going into a meditative state and bringing the image of your desired guide up in your mind. Then ask your potential guide if they want to work with you. You can also use tarot cards to ask if this is the right time to work with the guide and if they want to work with you. Use whatever divination tool you are comfortable with to receive a yes or a no. If it is a no, then pick someone else and circle back with this guide later.

The first step of initiating deep connection and magic with your chosen guide is to create an altar. An altar is a sacred space you create that is the physical representation of your magic. It is the central space where you engage in your practices, and every time you do magic here, you amplify the energies even more. It is also the space where your guides can reside and where you can receive clear messages and guidance. Create an altar filled with representations of your intention and symbols of your guide. These can be anything you desire to put on the altar; there is no right or wrong way. Make sure you keep your altar clean and do some kind of honoring or dedication ritual daily, like lighting a candle or giving water.

Meeting your guides is step two of the process. Even though you are asking for help and support, you actually want to get into your highest frequency and most vibrant state to meet your guides. When you raise your energy as best you can, it's easier for them to bring in the guidance that will meet you at that energy. This keeps you in an empowered state and brings in clearer energy when you're receiving your guides. One way to get into a higher vibration is to imagine yourself breathing golden light in and out. And you may say your favorite words to yourself like love, or joy, or peace. Feel the vibration of the word running through your body. Just like you'd get dressed up before brunch to meet your best friend, take this time to get yourself prepared and ready to meet with your guide. Find your most relaxed state and also your most positive state. Then, get crystal clear in your imagination which guide you are connecting with and what your purpose is in connecting. You may have a question or an intention. Write this down and have it in front of you. Ask that your guide take you to your highest energetic match timeline. Feel amazing and then allow their presence to fill the space. You may feel warm or a cooling sensations. Each person is different. Take time to get to know your own unique sensations when meeting your guides.

The third step of our process in creating a deep connection with our guides is ritual. After you have set up your altar and have meditated to attune yourself with your guide, then you are ready to activate your intention through ritual. Through ritual, you bring focus to your intentions and bring what is intangible into reality. Ushering what cannot be seen–your intention–into the physical world. In The Mandarin Tree, we have created specific rituals for each of the guides that you will be introduced to. It is very easy to create your own rituals; the most important parts are how you are feeling and your intentions. Make sure you complete some kind of cleansing and invoking of your guides first, then take a series of actions to manifest what you are asking for, and finally, close the ritual with gratitude. You can include candles, crystals, statues, and even planetary powers like new moon energy or magic from the days of the week.

The fourth step of working with your guides and deities is to create commandments. These can be used the first time when you are working with your guide, and you can continue to use them as part of a daily or weekly ritual. Think of commandments like a prayer where we are asking for and receiving the blessings from our guide. This is a strong way to turn on and activate the energy. Instead of hoping, wishing, or coming from lack and begging for our blessings to arrive, we approach it in a different way. We come from the expansion of already having what we are asking for and commanding it, reclaiming our magic, and bringing what we desire into our life. We have specific commandments inside of our book; however, you are always welcome to craft and create your own. Think of what you want to command into your life and create a short paragraph of what you will release, what you want, how it will feel to have it, how you will be ready for it, and anything else you want to commit to.

Mantras are our fifth step of connection. They provide a way to quickly and easily raise your frequency and to connect with your guides constantly. By using your mantras daily, you can easily access the portal of energy from the unique guide with whom you choose to connect. Mantras are short phrases that remind you of what the energy feels like when you are connected to the energy and the wisdom of your guides. A powerful way to craft your mantra is to use the phrase, "I am magic." Start your mantras with "I am" and end them with positive words that will help you to receive success on your magical path.

The sixth step to connecting with your guides and deities is crafting ascension prompts. Ascension prompts are introspective questions that move you forward. These are the keys that turn on a kind of energy inside of your energy force field. Each one is specifically created to turn on a frequency in your body to magnetize and attract more magic in your universe. Below are some examples of ascension prompts to tune into your guides.

How does it feel to already receive this?

What special feelings, images, and/or messages are you receiving from your guides?

Are there specific signs that you'd like to see? For example, you could ask to see a bunny rabbit jump in front of you for confirmation of a question. Something rare and obvious.

The last step to be fully immersed in working with your guide is to receive a channeled message from them. There are beautiful channeled messages from each guide inside of the book that you can easily tap into to charge yourself with the essence of each guide and energy. Or you can channel messages yourself. Below is an example of how you can access your own channeled messages from your guides.

Have a few sheets of blank pages in front of you. Write the name of the guide or deity who you are working with at the top of the page and the question or questions you are seeking insight on. Connect to the energy of who you are invoking and then simply allow yourself to write freely. Write whatever comes to your mind even if it doesn't make logical sense. Just let all of the words pour onto your paper. See what arrives and you can analyze the meaning and structure of the words or images after you are done channeling. When you are finished give thanks to your guide.

Channeled messages come from a higher frequency and give you the opportunity to see your life from a higher perspective. They often bring ease and fresh solutions into your world more quickly to reduce stress and create more peace in your life.

Connecting with your guides and deities is a beautiful practice that can greatly enhance the joy and prosperity in your life. In The Mandarin Tree, we have shared practical applications and the exact techniques and practices for you to take action on with each of the energies mentioned above to activate more joy, luck, and magic in your life. We hope you develop a deeper understanding and connection to working with different archetypal frequencies and receiving the support that you desire for massive success and abundance.

About Pamela Chen
Samantha Blossom is a manifestation mentor and opulence oracle activating business owners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries to create their most blissed-out life and prosperous universe. Her mission is to teach people to ...
About Samantha Blossom
Samantha Blossom is a manifestation mentor and opulence oracle activating business owners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries to create their most blissed-out life and prosperous universe. Her mission is to teach people to ...
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