Posted Under Astrology

Using Astrology to Awaken During a Time of Economic Crisis

Astrological Chart

We are living in troubled times. Our economy is in a state of significant downturn, and a general reaction to this is one of stress and anxiety. While economists have predicted that there will not be an immediate end to this crisis, astrology seems to echo that sentiment. While a difficult time for many, it can also be a time of tremendous transformation, and we can navigate this predicament with the help of the stars.

One of the most powerful transits going on in the sky at this time is the opposition of Saturn and Uranus. The first time this hit was on Election Day (November 4, 2008). The next hit was February 5, 2009, followed by another hit on September 15, 2009; the last transit is July 26, 2010.

It is important to understand what these two planets mean and how they are impacting the society (as well as all of us as individuals). Saturn is the planet that represents authority and structure—the status quo of how our society has been operating since the end of World War II. Uranus is the planet of intuition and change. Uranus is also one of the three planets of the "Higher Self;" very often Uranus will bring about a crisis in order to cause some much-needed change. We saw Uranus at work in our presidential election, when we elected Barack Obama (who represented our collective desire for change) on Election Day, the first opposition of Saturn and Uranus.

The opposition of Saturn and Uranus is often linked to economic depression and recession. Things may look like they are falling apart, but that is so that they can be made stronger.

So…what does this mean for each one of us? This is a time for transformation at a very deep level. Each of us has built up our own Saturnian status quo in our lives. It is time to ask ourselves the question: "Where in my life does my ego strive to keep everything the same?" Examine the answers, and see if there are much-needed changes that need to be made. If we are clinging to what isn't essential in our lives, there will be pain. How do we know what changes need to be made? The key is to listen carefully to our intuition. This allows us to live as our Higher Selves during this time of crisis. It allows us to fully embrace Uranus and the positive changes that it brings.

The current economic crisis is an opportunity to wake up and be present. This is an opportunity for great growth and awakening.

There are three other very important transits that are connected to the economic predicament in which the United States finds itself. This is the transit of Pluto opposing Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun in the chart of the United States. Pluto opposed Venus for the first time on March 3, 2009. It will oppose Venus again on June 9, 2009, and again on December 5, 2009. It is followed by Pluto opposing Jupiter in the United State's chart on January 14, 2011, July 14, 2011, and November 16, 2011.

According to both economists and astrology, this economic crisis isn't going to go away immediately. After Pluto finishes opposing Venus and Jupiter, it will oppose the United State's Sun, but not until February 14, 2014. This is followed by another opposition to the Sun on June 16, 2014, and finally, on December 19, 2014.

So, what does all of this mean? Pluto, like Uranus, is one of the planets of the Higher Self.It is the planet that rules power and how it is used, as well as death and rebirth, regeneration and transformation. Venus rules money and banks. Jupiter rules the way in which the country tries to expand financially, both locally and globally. I use a chart for the United States that has the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in the second house of money and business. The Sun in Cancer in the second house of the United State's chart indicates that the purpose of this great country is tied to business, money, and finances. It is also about living in harmony with our deepest values. All of this is going to come up for enormous renovation. We may even find ourselves with a different kind of currency! Corporate business practices may come up for tremendous regeneration. As Pluto opposes Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun in the United State's chart, many abuses of power will come up for transformation, especially on the part of large corporations and big government. Pluto could bring about death and destruction if change and transformation are resisted. In some way the structure of all of our lives will be transformed, primarily through the transformation of business, government and, possibly, capitalism as we know it.

For us as individuals and citizens of the United States, we may find that all of the financial destruction serves the purpose of transmuting us into the best possible expression of ourselves out in the world. Our own relationship to money, possessions, and financial resources may change. We need to ask ourselves: "Is there anything I need to let go of?" This may be attitudes, possessions, or habit patterns. Then be prepared to let go. Pluto can make things very difficult if we resist letting go. If we are willing to go through the needed transformation, Pluto will help us to feel more and more empowered.

Ask yourself this question: "What is really of greatest importance to me in my life?" Write down the answers; they will help you to deal with the chaos and put it into perspective. This will help you to stay aware and to wake up to what you really need in your life, and to what is essential in your life. Everything else may fall away.

At the same time, though, it is also a good idea to do all of your abundance affirmations and to keep thinking positively. We don't want to be dragged down by the collective unconscious. We need to be positive and progressive thinkers, and to keep affirming all of our dreams and goals.

This time of financial crisis can actually be a very exciting time of change. Our prayers for humanity at this time will contribute to the golden stream of light that circles the planet. Pluto and Uranus will bring about the destruction of our present way of life, but this is so that we can grow in new directions, and be the best possible selves that we can be.

Nancy Kahn has thirty years of experience as a professional astrologer and astrology teacher. Visit Nancy at http://www.astrologyforliving.net.

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