
Lessons from a Stubborn Spoon

Crystal Ball at the Beach

Over the last four years since publishing You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing, author Debra Lynne Katz has developed a strong base of fans through her straightforward psychic techniques and inspiring practical stories. I recently discovered that Debra also expresses her unique creative vision through filmmaking—and that she sees a lot of similarities between her psychic readings and directing a film. She says:

"Both filmmaking and clairvoyance require me to remain in a state of absolute receptivity. I need to be organized and in control of the situation, yet simultaneously relinquish this control to welcome in the grace of new ideas and opportunities. As a filmmaker, whenever I am not sure in which direction to go or find myself facing an unexpected obstacle, I employ the same clairvoyant techniques I offer in my books, and very soon I will receive an image or inspiring message to try something I had not previously thought of."

Debra recently put her faith in the creative process to work by writing and directing a short comedic film called "Bending Spoons," which you can see on YouTube. In this five-minute movie, a charming older woman dressed in house robe and curlers attempts a serious exercise in mind over matter late one night. She believes that with the right amount of gumption, willpower, and finally sheer force, she can find a way to bend a spoon.

The problem is that no matter what she does, she cannot get the spoon to bend. After exhausting all possible methods, she yells out, "I hate you, I hate you!" as she retires to her couch and grumbles: "Bending spoons, hogwash." In this final scene, we discover she has indeed progressed toward her goal, she just doesn't know it yet. Yes, the spoon has remained stalk-straight. However, as the camera pans out, we see that everything else has bent: the TV antenna, the cross on the wall, the floor lamps, and even the blades of the ceiling fan are drooping downward as it spins around the small apartment. The moment seems straight out of Dali's painting The Persistence of Memory, with everyday objects draped over a surreal landscape.

Debra's movie comically shares one of life's hard-learned lessons. Hard work and payoff don't always have instant reciprocity. We don't always receive gifts for our hard work right away—or we might receive them in a form we can't yet measure. Like directing a movie, or developing your psychic skills, we have to trust in the creative process—sometimes we will see results right away, and other times we have to go with the flow.

This month, you can develop your psychic skills into anything other than ordinary with Debra's new release, Extraordinary Psychic: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Psychic Abilities. Debra inspires us all to have an unerring belief in ourselves and to our connection to things we cannot yet see. Just like her first book, Extraordinary Psychic is about more than mastering your unique flair for psychic readings. It's also about diving deep into the unseen, yet persistent source of creativity that lies deep within us all. Sound inspiring, yet practical? I hope so! In the meantime, what can you do when life gets you down? Debra says the following:

"There are three things I always do when I am upset or life is feeling too chaotic: 1) I meditate, 2) I do a clairvoyant reading for someone else, or 3) I watch a movie. It blows me away that when I ask for guidance through one of these forms, I am always drawn to the perfect film or the perfect stranger will approach me for a reading. This is the true meaning of divine inspiration and grace."