
A Psychic Skills Self-Assessment

Psychic Reading Woman

Your Unique Psychic Knowingness
Have you ever noticed that the résumés or biographies of many psychics begin with something along the lines of, "I've been this way since I was little?? I am one of those people. I cannot recall a time when I wasn't psychic. Even if the word psychic has not resonated with you in the past, a lifelong journey working through your intuition is not a rite of passage. In other words, if you do not remember or believe that you were psychic as a child, it in no way makes you less qualified to be so now. Everyone may be born a psychic, but many have yet to realize, understand, or utilize their abilities. A Psychic's Handbook will meet you where you are. Whether you remember being psychic or something is just now enticing you to gather information, some part of you wants to explore your psychic knowingness.

Checkup: Psychic Self-Assessment Baseline
This psychic self-assessment checkup determines your baseline for psychic knowingness, which will help you begin assembling your handbook. Let's start with an honest psychic self-assessment. Answer the following questions based on what you are like instead of what you aspire to be. If you answer honestly, you will advance much more quickly because, from the beginning of constructing your handbook, you are releasing the need to be right, or what many call "having an attachment to the outcome." You are acknowledging that you are not omniscient. Write yes next to the statements that apply to you and no next to those that do not.

  1. I can tell what others are thinking.
  2. I can tell what others are feeling emotionally.
  3. I can tell what others are feeling physically.
  4. I see or sense spirits that others don't necessarily see.
  5. I see or sense auras.
  6. I find that electrical equipment malfunctions when I am around.
  7. I know something is happening with a friend or family member before they tell me.
  8. I can sense illness in others.
  9. I am familiar with some of my deceased ancestors even though I have not met them.
  10. I have lucid or vivid dreams.
  11. I sleepwalked as a child.
  12. I had night terrors as a child.
  13. I said things when I was young that others thought were inappropriate but were true.
  14. I communicate with nature and its beings.
  15. I can move objects with my mind, especially when highly emotional.
  16. I had an imaginary friend as a child.
  17. I was afraid of the dark when I was a child.
  18. I know of past lives without a psychic telling me.
  19. I experience déjà vu.
  20. I can tune out the noises around me.
  21. I am often inundated with information that floods my brain.
  22. I have premonitions about the future, which are usually correct.
  23. I know things and typically have no details or reason to support my knowledge.
  24. I have sensed when someone is about to die.
  25. I hear my name called when no one is around.
  26. I know if someone is watching me.
  27. I am in tune with the spirits around me.
  28. I win at games of chance more than average.
  29. Animals are drawn to me for no apparent reason.
  30. I have had out-of-body experiences.

The more yes answers, the more you already utilize your psychic knowledge. The number of yes answers will increase as you develop and practice the skills in your handbook.

Excerpted from A Psychic's Handbook, by Michelle Welch.

About Michelle Welch

Michelle Welch is a psychic medium and award-winning author of The Magic of Connection, Spirits Unveiled, and A Psychic's Handbook, all published by Llewellyn. She is also the owner of SoulTopia, LLC, a meta-magical store in ...

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