Posted Under Meditation

MindLight Meditation

Hands in Meditation

Right now—this minute—I want you to put this down and prop it so that your hands are free, but you can read along with me. Are you situated? Good!

  1. Position your hands as if you are holding a small ball of glowing, white light. Take your time. Just relax and build the light between your hands. This light is a part of you and a part of the Great Work: what you will accomplish for the good of others throughout your lifetime. The light is a tool that you can use to build a healthy, positive future—and the most remarkable aspect is that this tremendous power lies in you!
  2. Next, move your hands apart and together as if they are held by a giant rubber band. Open, close, open, close. Keep playing with the light and, as you do so, remember what it is like to move your hands through water—nice and slow, with a gentle, flowing resistance, except here we translate that feeling through watery resistance as elasticity.
  3. Add this remembered feeling of what it is like to move your hands through water to the present movement of your hands working with the MindLight—in, out, in, out. Try not to go past your shoulders when you move out, because we are working on building (we don't want to scatter).
  4. Keep the rubber-band motion of your hands moving in and out shoulder-width apart, then move in for the compact ball of light, and out again. Repeat. Think of nothing but the light in your hands. If you begin to worry about other things, just gently push the thoughts away. Concentrate only on the ball of light. Stay in the moment.
  5. Now we add the sacred breath. As you inhale with nice, deep breaths, draw your hands together to make the small ball. As you move your hands out and away from each other, exhale with one smooth, even breath. Inhale (hands in)—exhale (hands out). The slower the better. Techniques learned at a nice, slow pace stay with you longer and will be more precise when you need the power.
  6. Rather than dwelling on a specific problem at the moment, let's choose an energy that encourages openness of opportunity. What do you want the most right now: Peace? Harmony? Creativity? Wisdom? Happiness? Healing? Choose one of these and say the word aloud.
  7. Now, look into the MindLight you hold in your hands and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this at least three times—more if you are stressed or unhappy.
  8. Now, breathe fully from the diaphragm and then inhale from the chest. Practice this type of breathing with several cleansing breaths, and when you are ready, take three of these nice, deep, measured breaths.
  9. On the third time, blow your desire (peace, harmony, creativity, wisdom, happiness, healing, etc.) into the MindLight. That's right, just pucker up those beautiful lips of yours and send that thought easily, fluidly into the MindLight you've created. Let the breath carrying your desire flow across your lips like fine silk through your fingers—the moisture from your body digitized by your thoughts of perfection. Once the thought is in the ball between your hands, you may feel the seemingly empty space vibrate, or your hands may tingle, or you might feel a "lightness" throughout your body.
  10. Pull your hands (holding the light ball) in over your heart, allowing your body to drink in this lovely MindLight you created.
  11. Breathe deeply several times, and as you breathe in, think of your heart being surrounded by this harmonious, vibrant light. As you exhale, continue to relax and let go of any pent-up negativity—old hurts, pain, fear, unhappiness, etc. Every time you inhale, allow the light within yourself to grow stronger and brighter. Every time you exhale, let go of more and more crusted up, gross mental garbage. Let the negativity break away, piece by piece. Keep up this visualization as long as you can; there is no time requirement.
  12. When you feel you are finished for now, drop your hands to your lap, close your eyes and take another deep, even breath. Open your eyes and pick up the book. Don’t you feel great?

You've just learned two very valuable pieces of information—the benefits of deep, cleansing breathing and how to create a MindLight. Tomorrow morning, when you wake up, don't allow yourself to think of anything except that MindLight you just created. … Push all other thoughts aside—every single one. Just keep the word in your mind as you get up and begin the movements of meeting your day. Again, don't line up those tasks like little marching soldiers of personal duty. Instead, put that MindLight in your cup. That's right, let the MindLight of happiness, positive self-worth, peace or creativity (whatever you called it) sink slowly into that steaming cup of coffee or chilled juice. Drink it. Say to yourself, "I will meet every task as I should. The day will progress with plenty of time to achieve all I desire, and I will feel energized, positive and useful until I go to sleep tonight."

About Silver RavenWolf

Silver RavenWolf (Pennsylvania) is a nationally recognized leader and elder of Wicca, and her writing has been instrumental in guiding the future of one of the fastest-growing faiths in America today. The author of ...

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