Posted Under Meditation

Using Meditation to Take an Inner Journey

Zen Stones on the Beach

Inner Journeys is about meditation, about looking within to remember your spiritual knowledge and to re-awaken to your spiritual self. There are many ways to meditate; this book offers guided imageries and visualizations to help readers open their mind to its full awareness and to nurture their soul into the multi-dimensional, spiritual light-beings that they truly are.

The book opens by explaining the process and purpose of meditation, then gives a relaxation exercise designed to give readers entry to the worlds within and progresses to a chapter on learning the language of your mind—what it shows you, how it speaks to you, and how to listen. The book offers fifty-eight meditations that invite readers on an inner journey into magical, mystical places within their heart, mind and soul.

Some meditations are fairly short—a page or two—that offer the essence of the intended imagery, drawing a picture, or creating a scene. Readers are encouraged to rely on their mind to take them where they need to go. As the words form into images that open up into thoughts and feelings inside the mind, the words will draw readers into a special, magical world within themselves.

Some of the meditations are more like musings that speak to a person's soul. Others are relaxing and soothing. Still others are exhilarating and rejuvenating. Most are worded in such a way that readers can explore whatever comes into their mind and experience it in their own way. Several gently guide readers in a specific direction to achieve certain purposes, such as healing or meeting their guardian angel.

Inner Journeys spoke to me gently in my thoughts, whispered through my dreams, and danced on my computer screen. It grew from the classes I teach on positive mind power, dreams, intuitive awareness, reincarnation, and meditation. What helps my students learn about their spiritual nature is not explanations, but inner experiences that provide real knowledge. By going within themselves to discover what their mind says to them and what their soul shows them, they remember their inner knowing and find their own truth.

Books are like children; each has its own personality and vibe. As I wrote the words, this book came to life and began to write itself, inviting me on a journey within myself where the words flowed like a magical stream of water and showed me a place where images bloom. Words are magical and mystical; they have the power to open up multi-dimensional worlds within one's mind, heart, and soul. Inner Journeys invites readers to remember what they've always known about their true spiritual nature. One of the meditations in the book, "Mystical Moonlight," reminds them of who they truly are.

Mystical Moonlight Meditation
It's a beautiful, warm, moonlit evening and you're enjoying a quiet stroll by a lake. Stopping to look at the reflection of the moon on the water, you notice how it shimmers with a luminescent light, almost as if it's alive. A calm, gentle breeze ripples across the surface, inspiring a magical, mystical sense of awareness within you.

Walking to the edge of the water, admiring the beauty of the reflection of moonlight on the water and enjoying the sense of harmony that it brings forth within you, you notice how the light shimmers with an effervescent energy. Stepping into the warm, shallow water, you feel the softly swirling effervescence gently bubbling around your feet.

Bending down, you scoop up handfuls of the warm water, letting it run through your fingers, noticing the tingling in your hands. As you splash the water over your face and body, bathing in the light from the moon reflecting on the water, you feel your hands and body become energized with the tingling effervescence of the water.

Joyfully, with carefree abandon, you play in the water. As you splash the water over your body and in circles all around you, you feel your body begin to tingle and vibrate with a sense of energy and vitality that you've experienced before, a long time ago when your spirit was free and filled with light, and you realize that you're bathing in the divine light of the universe—the light of your soul.

As this remembrance reawakens within you, you look up at the sky, at the infinite universe, and you breathe in the light of the sparkling stars that combine their light with the light emanating and radiating from the moon. You know that this universal light reflects your soul's divine essence.

You feel a beautiful, wonderful feeling of radiant health and harmony within your body, mind and spirit, freeing you and opening you up more and more to your true spiritual nature—that of a divine, powerful, spiritual being who has only taken up a temporary residence here on earth.

About Gloria Chadwick

Gloria Chadwick is a writer and teacher with more than thirty years of experience. Through her books and workshops, she has helped thousands of people learn to meditate. ...

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