Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to finances. Use this spell to end bad money habits and change your financial vibe forever! For this spell, you will need three pennies, lemonscented household cleaner, fresh water, and red nail polish.
Clean your pennies with the lemon-scented cleaner and fresh water. As you do so, chant: "Money, money, money! I love you, baby, this is true, but our relationship makes me sad and blue. With this lemon I take the bad away. Only the good between us shall stay!" Paint the head side of the pennies with red nail polish, and as they dry, gently blow on them and say: "Money, money, money! I love you, baby, this is true. Let's make our relationship fresh and new!" Place one penny on your altar and one in your pocket for spending, and include one in your next bank deposit. |
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