According to vedic astrology, if
the Moon is not placed positively in a person's birth chart, it is called Chandra Dosha. The Moon's mantra, a mystical Sanskrit chant, "Om Som Somaye Namah Om," can be recited 108 times daily in order to appease the Moon's negative influences. To enhance the effect, Hindu wise men and vedic astrologers have long recommended donating white clothes, white sugar, and tumbled moonstones to charity. The Moon, the presiding deity for the element water, rules over the tides of the ocean as well as emotions. It also represents the Mother aspect of divinity which is the energy that creates and preserves. The Moon also governs peace of mind, comfort, wisdom, general well-being, and fortune. Long-term chanting of the mantra results in illumination, sense of purpose, and intuition. |
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