Posted Under Angels & Spirit Guides

Communicating With Angels

Hearts and Feathers

The final book in my Archangels series is Uriel. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to write this book, as I've always felt this particular archangel had been treated badly by the Christian Church over the last two thousand years. He is only now regaining his status and reputation that was sadly lost so long ago.

A church council was called by Pope Zachary in 745 C.E. discussing the many thousands of angels that people revered. The council denounced this proliferation of angels, and decided that the angels mentioned by name in the Bible and Apocrypha were the only ones who could remain. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael were, of course, spared. If Uriel had been identified in the Biblical account of his night-long fight with Jacob, he would have retained his status. Uriel, Archangel of Ministration, Transformation, and Prophecy, was the most important angel to be demoted.

This was not the end of the archangel's misfortunes, however. Pope Clement III insisted that his images be removed from the churches. The Renaissance pope wrongly thought Uriel was a part of the claims stating that John the Baptist was the Messiah. Later, Uriel suffered again because he was featured prominently in The Book of Enoch, a book that the Christian Church tried to suppress.

The name "Uriel" means, "Light of God" or. "Fire of God." He brings the light, or knowledge, of God to mankind. One interesting example of this is the ancient Jewish legend that claims Uriel gave us the Kabbalah.

Uriel protects mankind from natural phenomena such as thunderstorms and earthquakes. He sometimes manifests himself in storms and rainbows. Because of this close association with the Earth, Uriel acts as a channel between Earth and the divine, and is responsible for bringing God's plan into the material world.

Uriel also has a tender side and enjoys helping people to find tranquility and inner peace. He is known as the angel of repentance and is kind, caring, and loving, but he does not hesitate to chastise and discipline when necessary.

Although he works on a universal scale, Uriel is willing to help you on a personal level. His most important task is to help you become aware of your essential spiritual nature. Known as the Archangel of Transformation, he can turn situations completely around, giving you a fresh perspective on life.

Feelings of guilt, negativity, anger, or frustration may hold you back from following your true path. Uriel will help you find peace and tranquility. Many people have problems with giving and receiving. Some find it hard to give freely, others give so much that they suffer as a result and some find it hard to receive anything. Uriel is prepared to help you understand and resolve difficulties in all of these areas.

If you have a desire to serve or help others in any way, Uriel will do everything he can to help you. He is interested in the well being of the planet, and anything you do to benefit humanity or the world will receive his full support.

As the Archangel of Prophecy, Uriel will help you develop your psychic and intuitive skills. He will provide insights in a variety of ways, such as visions, dreams, and sudden perceptions. He will help you gain greater insight and clarity about the motivations of others. Once you allow Uriel to help you in this way, you are less likely to be hurt by the hidden motivations and desires of others.

Uriel is arguably the most accessible of the archangels, and will enjoy hearing from you. One effective method is to stand facing north, which is Uriel's direction. Take several slow, deep breaths and then create a circle of protection around yourself by walking around clockwise. It makes no difference how small or large this circle is. Sit or lie down inside, close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by Uriel's love and compassion. You might like to imagine a large hand with a flame burning on the open palm. This is a well-known symbol of the archangel. Ask him to come to your aid. Once you feel his presence, make your request. You can communicate silently or out loud. Spend as long as you wish in Uriel's company. When you are finished, thank him for his help and support. Take three slow, deep breaths and, when you feel ready, open your eyes. You are likely to feel exhilarated after communicating with him. Problems that seemed overwhelming before will seem much less important, and you'll feel more positive about the future, having a sense of inner peace.

I know you'll enjoy communicating with Uriel, and will benefit enormously as a result.

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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