Posted Under Spirit Communication

Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners

Candle on Dark Background

After the success of my second book, How To Communicate With Spirits, Llewellyn requested that I write a book on clairvoyance. My first thought was, terrific! Since I am a Spiritualist Medium, this subject was right up my alley.

I decided to create a workbook with lots of exercises for the reader to use. I also wanted to utilize the knowledge of numerous professional mediums from the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp in Cassadaga, Florida. Much of the content in How To Communicate With Spirits came from interviews with those mediums. As before, I felt that input from other mediums would be more interesting for the reader than only reading about my personal clairvoyant experiences.

For the selection process, I chose some mediums that I had not previously featured and returned to interview three of the mediums I already had. I also involved a dear friend of mine who lives in Milwaukee, WI—a superb medium well known in that area. With input from six different voices besides my own, I knew the book would deliver diversified information and experiences that the readers could use for their clairvoyant development.

A taped interview was scheduled with each medium. When I was interviewing Rev. Phoebe Rose Bergin, we were sitting on her porch at the table where she does her mediumistic readings. Shortly after starting the interview, a horrific thunderstorm approached and lingered over us. It was the scariest interview I have ever conducted.

Another source of information I used for the book was a stack of old publications that my husband and I found when we purchased a 1906 Victorian home in the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. Some of the magazines and newsletters dated as far back as 1938 and contained fascinating stories about the religion of Spiritualism and clairvoyant abilities.

The beginning of the book talks about how the religion of Modern Spiritualism began. I felt this was important to include because it is through Spiritualism that I received my clairvoyant training. Besides other principles, Spiritualism is based upon communication with spirits. One means of communication is clairvoyance. It was important to explain that clairvoyance is a gift that many are naturally blessed with and choose to enhance, while others desire to develop their skills without having previous experience. Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners will assist both.

The book delves into the numerous facets of clairvoyance and how to develop or enhance the talent. I emphasize how patience and practice will produce results. I believe that with proper dedication, everyone can see clairvoyantly.

Among the mediums, meditation was collectively felt to be vital in the developmental process. Carol Roberts stated that she believes we must be in a "wholeness place of body, mind, and spirit. A peaceful, resonate space, so that a connection is made with the higher power. That way we know we are in sync." Rev. Arlene Sikora concurred, saying, "It is important to recognize a process in order to get in-tuned. This requires that we be in a place of receptivity with the Infinite … achieved through meditation. The preferred process to develop clairvoyance is through daily, private meditation and working with a meditation group under the tutelage of a medium."

Once we start "seeing," interpretation can be tricky because we are all human beings with individual experiences that we draw upon for our interpretations. I devoted an entire chapter to interpretation because I felt that it was important for the reader to understand that this isn't about being right or wrong. We must remember that our personal life experiences influence how we interpret what we see.

Interpreting symbols we receive during meditation can also be challenging. It is common for two people to interpret different meanings for the same symbol. Using snakes as an example, one person can be repulsed by a snake, while another may consider them wonderful because they had snakes as pets during childhood. There is no right or wrong interpretation; each is correct for the respective individual.

Other forms of clairvoyance are discussed, such as medical and x-ray clairvoyance. These are two abilities that have been documented as far back as the time of Hippocrates. Another form, traveling clairvoyance, dates back to primitive times. Today, the term is remote viewing.

It was important that Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners have exercises that the reader could use for practice. Each chapter has suggested developmental tools with which the reader can practice, with the last chapter being devoted to practice exercises. I also suggested that all practice sessions should be recorded in a journal for future reference in gauging the reader's progress.

In this time of spiritual seeking, Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners will prove to be a handy companion. With patience, everyone can develop clairvoyance!