Posted Under Astrology

Gift Ideas for Every Sun Sign

Astrological Clock

Is there a friend or family member on your gift list that's hard to buy for? Perhaps you know someone who has everything. Running from store to store trying to find the perfect gift can really put a damper on this festive season. The old stand-bys like cash and gift certificates are OK but impersonal. Have you ever considered using astrology to find the perfect gift? Each member of the zodiac has specific personality traits, likes, and dislikes. If you know what these are, you can find the perfect gift for anyone—including the person who has everything!

Here are a few ideas:

Aries: Rams will appreciate anything that is personalized. Think about a necklace with their initials on it or an ID bracelet. Being competitive people, many Aries enjoy sports, so tickets to see their favorite BB team play is another thought. Some Aries are adventurous types. Buy things that appeal to their daredevil side, such as flying lessons or a hot air balloon ride. Also consider video games, action movies, golf clubs, board games, and time-saving gadgets. Anything that helps an Aries save time will be appreciated as they always on the run.

Taurus: Bulls prefer quality over quantity. If you can't afford anything really expensive, opt for a pair of gold hoop earrings over a diamond Cartier design. Taurus love to be pampered too; a day of beauty at a spa is a nice gesture as is an overflowing basket of bubble and bath products. Taurus of both sexes love to eat. You can't go wrong with gourmet cheesecakes, fruit of the month club memberships, a favorite local wine, scrumptious food baskets. or Godiva chocolates. Consider giving them a CD of their favorite music. Anything that tempts and tantalizes the Bull's senses will go over well.

Gemini: Because the Twins are ruled by the planet Mercury—which also rules communication and travel—consider giving gifts with this theme. Think cell phones and answering machines, radios, TVs, computers, and CDs. Even a long distance calling card or gas card will be appreciated. Many Geminis love to read. Give books and magazine subscriptions. Also appointment books, memo pads, journals, and dairies go over well. Because Geminis love to travel, luggage is a good bet as are airline gift certificates and weekend getaways for two.

Cancer: Homebodies at heart but great business people too, Cancers usually love any gift you give them. But if you really want to please a Crab, give them things to beautify their home; flowers, plants, crystal pieces, comfy throws, antiques, and photo frames. Many Cancers love to cook ... and eat! Therefore, gourmet gift baskets and cooking utensils are good bets. Anything that hints of nostalgia is also something to consider. Sentimental Cancers live in the past and gifts that help them reminisce about the good old days like antiques, collectibles, family photos, hard-to-find candy (popular in their childhood), and comfort treats are a good bet.

Leo: Lions are easy to buy for because they love almost anything they get ... but whatever you give, make sure the present at least looks expensive. Even if it's cheap, it should look like you've shelled out some major bucks. A Leo loves luxury. Think gold jewelry, designer shirts, cashmere, Prada, leather goods. In other words, the finest things money can buy. Give a Louis Vuitton keychain if you can't afford a Gucci bag. Never wrap anything that looks outdated or drab. Consider a day trip to a casino, a bottle of champagne with crystal flutes, silk ties, and scarves. Tickets to the movies, a concert, or a Broadway show are other good options.

Virgo: This sign appreciates practical stuff—gifts they can use. A Virgo is the first to say "Don't waste your money." If the item you give is something that will collect dust, it may end up in the recycled gift closet or the return line the next day. Because Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, appointment books, calendars, and journals are good bets. Consider appliances such as food processors, microwaves, ice cream makers, and even Tupperware and cookware sets. Many Virgos are health nuts, so an array of natural herbs and aromatherapy products are good choices. Exercise equipment and health club memberships will be appreciated, too.

Libra: Oh, how they love pretty things: artwork, jewelry, flowers, and such. Music is also a great choice. Social Libras adore trying the latest restaurants, so a gift certificate at the new bistro in town is an option. Consider tickets to see their favorite band in concert. A weekend at a lovely bed and breakfast or a shopping trip is a good idea, too. Spa treatments are always welcome, as is fashionable clothing. Furs, designer purses, and elegant accessories are a good bet. Keep in mind when making a purchase that most Libras do not like gaudy baubles, but instead prefer classy pieces.

Scorpio: Many Scorpio are intrigued by the supernatural and new age. They love a good mystery so mystery novels, suspense movies, and the like are good gift ideas. Secretive Scorpios love to hide their little treasures, so consider boxes that they can hide their "stuff" in. Think jelly jars, secret diaries, or pretty hat boxes. Some may appreciate a set of their very own Tarot cards, crystals, or dream journals. Perhaps an astrology reading or meditation tape would be to their liking. Many Scorpios are great collectors, so find out what they have and add to it. If you're involved in an intimate relationship with a sexy Scorpio, opt for silk pajamas, lacy lingerie, and bedroom toys!

Sagittarius: These folks are adventurous, outdoorsy types. Many love sports, either as players or spectators. Sporting or camping equipment may be an option. Archers love their cars. Buy items for their new Jeep or old jalopy. Luggage, travel accessories, and duffel bags are good for the on-the-go Archers, as they love to travel. Sagittarius is usually late, so a watch makes the perfect gift. Some are interested in different cultures and foreign pieces. Think Native American pottery, African masks, Mexican pottery, and unusual knick-knacks picked up on your exotic travels.

Capricorn: Professional, logical, and organized describe people born under the sign of Capricorn—as well as the kind of gifts they'd love to receive. Because they like order in their chaotic lives, give gifts that will help bring them just that; file cabinets, briefcases, jewelry boxes, and tie racks are some choices. Goats appreciate things of value; antiques, oak furniture, rare coins, depression or carnival glassware, and art objects. Cappys are usually workaholics, so you should buy them things they can use to simplify their world or for the office. Pen sets, personalized stationary, clocks, and computer accessories would be appreciated, too.

Aquarius: Waterbearers have a wide variety of tastes so it shouldn't be difficult to find a decent gift here. Just look for the latest gizmos, gadgets, and fads. You can't go wrong with the latest in technology or household appliances either. Many Aquarius are into astrology, so purses, jewelry, and books with zodiac themes are cool ideas. Look for the most unusual stuff you can find. Aquarius love quirky, wacky presents. If you must stick to traditional presents, clothing like a sports-themed sweatshirt or a good pair of low-rise jeans will please even the most discriminating Aquarius.

Pisces: Fish are into beauty stuff: makeup, jewelry, perfumes, cologne, and beautiful clothes. You can't go wrong with music either. A fave CD or meditation music make a super gift. Anything you decide to give a Pisces is more meaningful when it comes from the heart. Homemade goodies, handicrafts, family photo collages, or an arrangement of beautiful flowers are other good ideas. If you want to win extra points, take your Pisces on a romantic weekend getaway. Rent a cozy cabin deep in the woods with a roaring fire or a balcony room in the historic French Quarter of New Orleans. Or, simply create your own love nest in your apartment or bedroom.

If you're still stumped and have no idea want to buy that certain someone, then forget about material things. Give something even better—your time. A few hours talking, visiting, or spending the day creating lasting memories is priceless!

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