Posted Under Chakras & Energy Work

Healing Ancestral Trauma with Energy Work

Old Sepia-Toned Pictures and Geneaology Family Tree Research

Life can be challenging. We all know that. But have you ever stopped to think that many of the difficulties you face are a result of things that occurred to your ancestors in the deep past?

For years I've been writing about past lives and the influences our karma has in the subtle energy fields around the body, and to this day, I still acknowledge and believe that is a reality for people, whether or not they're consciously aware of it.

Years ago, when working with folks in private sessions, though, I often felt that there would be absolutely no way for me to successfully guide them into their past lives until some current-life healing happened first. That healing often involved immediate family members and more often than not, their parents. Through visionary encounters using guided imagery, people were able to meet with the Higher Selves of their parents, the more evolved versions of their parents who they could speak to even if they were no longer in contact or if they were no longer alive in the real world, or even in cases where they never knew their parents due to adoption, death, and so forth.

Client conversations with these highly evolved parents proved to be successful in helping people come to terms with certain life challenges. Still, I found there was much more to be done, and I developed the Genealogical Regression process to help people go beyond their parents and travel into the past to have visionary encounters with their ancestors so they could consciously and deliberately send love, light, healing, and transformative energies to help alleviate suffering.

The results were quite profound. People experienced battlefields, funerals, illnesses, and deaths as having understandably heavy energy and then by consciously sending light, they then noticed how terrible situations felt a bit better than before they began the process. Their mothers' and fathers' Higher Selves appeared lighter and brighter and ultimately, they felt energy shift and lighten as they, too, received the healing.

People could then extend that love and light to all living relations—grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles and so forth—and finally extend the love and light beyond the present moment to those who had yet to be born within the family's future generations.

All in all, clients felt noticeably lighter and brighter as a result.

This process worked wonders for the people who I was guided to share it with. During the time that my 2021 book Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life came out, a global shift in awareness took hold that caused many people in the Western world to acknowledge more consciously why ancestral acknowledgement is so important.

Part of this awakening happened due to several groundbreaking studies about the effects of inherited trauma on our DNA. Legitimate organizations such as the US Centers for Disease Control have now proven, through the science of Epigenetics, that the traumatic calamities experienced by our ancestors can and do affect our DNA though higher cortisol levels and stress markers for certain diseases that are potentially more prominent for those whose ancestors struggled with extreme hardship.

Such studies may make us feel that there's no way to transcend the past, but that's not the case at all. Pioneers such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, in his landmark book The Biology of Belief, have proven we do not have to fall victim to our hereditary ailments, but we can empower ourselves to change our belief systems and heal ourselves using the power of consciousness. There is always hope for a brighter future!

Another favorite study of mine was the late, great Dr. Emoto's beautiful work in his book Messages in Water, which proved that, when you send love and light into the world, beauty emerges, while less than optimal emotions can cause physical real-world damage, including environmental pollution. In one study, people prayed a contaminated lake back to health. Amazing! We can all apply these principles to our own bodies, minds, and spirits. We can heal ourselves and the planet!

Ancestral Energy Healing takes these foundations and explores things in a slightly different way. Since our ancestors live and breathe in our DNA, have you ever stopped to think about where your various aches and pains, temperaments, and so forth actually come from? It's highly possible that you picked them up from those who walked before you: your ancestors.

By consciously choosing to send light into your own physical body with the intention of healing any unwanted influences, emotions, ailments, and so forth in the name of your own ancestors, you can begin to sense and feel how these ancestors and ancestral energy really does live and breathe within you.

I concluded this after a strange illness several years ago. I came down with what the doctor called pneumonia, yet my oxygen levels remained in the high 90s—not at all typical for someone with that illness. Also, the pneumonia wouldn't heal after an exceptionally long amount of time. I had a high fever and experienced excruciating pain in different parts of my body.

As I struggled toward wellness and basically writhed in pain in my bed, many epiphanies began to emerge. I started to understand that one ache or pain was attached to my mother's side of the family, while another was connected to my father's side of the family. I began to consciously send light to those areas as the thoughts emerged and found tremendous healing and lasting relief. Over time, I saw that the various parts of the body could also be assigned, if you will, to one side of the family or the other and that I could begin to reach into those areas on a conscious and consistent level, especially after my weird illness ended and by so doing, I found that my own personal energy began improving more and more over time.

I soon realized that appreciation for our ancestors should not be a once-in-a-while activity (it is best done on a consistent basis) and that by using intention in consciousness, I could improve my life and the lives of my family. I shared this with clients and students and found that they, too, experienced tremendous healing from the conscious application of ancestral appreciation and healing.

Throughout the ages, so many cultures around the world have known the importance of ancestral veneration and appreciation all too well. The Western world is now catching up, and that realization couldn't come at a better time in human history than right now.

You can easily embark on the journey of consciously loving, appreciating, and healing your ancestors using a few simple techniques in my new book. I hope you will find the guidance helps you on your journey to greater peace, love, joy, and happiness for you and your family for years to come.

Our ancestors sacrificed so much for us. We have so much to be thankful for. Let's all take a few moments out of each and every day to honor those brave souls who paved the way for us all.

About Shelley A. Kaehr PhD

For over two decades years, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD, (Dallas, TX) has worked with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness in their lives. A renowned past life regressionist and one ...

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