Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Powerful Plant Magic with the Allies Already Around You

Wildflowers and Witchcraft Book of Shadows

Throughout most ancient cultures, people believed plants to be magical and, in many cases, used them as much for ritual as they did for medicine and food. Although plants had a wide range of mundane uses, people must have felt that there was something more, something mystical about them that touched their psyches. Witches, and anyone who takes time to slow down and observe, can see and sense that the green world is enchanting and powerful. Even plants that may seem so familiar and ordinary can be surprisingly magical.

The witches, the wise women and men were the people to whom villagers went to for medicine, magic, and advice. In addition to knowing what to use, the wise folk knew when plants came into leaf, when they bloomed, and produced seed or fruit. The witches and wise folk of the past lived with the rhythms of the seasons, and while they may have gotten their hands on some plants from afar, they used them within the context of their world. Of course, we can nip out to the store or go online and buy whatever we want regardless of the season, but when you start thinking seasonally and locally about the plants you use for magic, their wisdom begins to speak to you.

When you work with plants within the context of the seasons, you learn how their cycles progress month by month. Basing at least some of your magical use of plants within the seasons also aids in developing more meaningful ways to connect with the green world, nature spirits, and the realm of the faeries. This, in turn, gives your rituals and magic more continuity and a natural flow as the wheel of the year turns. Working with the seasons also connects you through time with your ancestors and all the wise folk of the past.

Thinking locally for magic goes hand-in-hand with the local food movement, which is not only associated with more healthy foods but also considered more environmentally sustainable. Whether it's plant material for food or magic work, it's a win-win with less energy spent transporting it and fewer people handling it. Of course, everything can be energetically cleansed for magic, but it's something to think about.

This isn't to suggest that every plant you use for magic or the dining table ought to be locally sourced; after all, this is the twenty-first century and we have access to so much that can expand our magical work in so many ways. But, getting to know the plants that have been in your area for ages can foster a special connection with the spirit of the land. Even if you live in a city (I lived in Manhattan for a number of years), you may be surprised at what and where you find native plants.

Google It!
To get started, all you have to do is what we all do when we have a question: we Google it. A simple internet search for native plants according to your state or region will give you a wealth of information. You will do more than discover the plants of your area; you will also find how they have supported native wildlife for thousands of years. This is especially important if you have a garden or yard. The small choices you make to fill a flower border or supplement a group of shrubbery can have a profound impact on the local food web. It doesn't matter whether you have a garden or flowerpots on a porch—butterflies and other wildlife will find what they need. We often talk about the interconnected web of life, and by working with native plants we can talk the talk and walk the walk.

Some garden favorites have wild cousins that fit nicely into a tamer environment. The columbine is a good example. The wild columbines (Aquilegia canadensis and A. Formosa) can hold their own amongst the varieties bred for the garden. The genus and common names for columbine were derived from the Latin aquila, meaning "eagle," and columba, "dove."1 Not only does this juxtaposition of symbolism bring balancing energy, but it also works separately. providing support for courage and the ability to make peace.

The common violet (Viola sororia), the sweet violet (V. odorata), and the sweet white violet (V. blanda) are wildflowers that have been invited into the garden. Loved for their heart-shaped leaves, the sweet violets have been adored for their scent since ancient times. In medieval Europe, they were used to scent linens and in later centuries, the dried flowers were sent as mementos in love letters. Think again if you regard these small, delicate flowers as lightweights, because they can pack a punch for banishing spells and breaking hexes, too.

Toss Caution to the Wind
Instead of planning where to plant things, toss caution to the wind, and the powers of magic, by scattering a wildflower mix that is appropriate for your region. Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) is often used in seed mixes. It's a plant of the centaur that, according to Greek legend, Chiron used to heal the wound of a poison arrow. This plant's beautiful blue flowers are associated with happiness and love, and like daisies, they were used for love divination by pulling off the petals one-by-one. Speaking of daisies, you may also get ox-eye daisies (Leucanthemum vulgare), shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum), or other quintessential white daisies in a wildflower mix. As an alternative to plucking their petals, place a small piece of root under your pillow to dream of someone you love. Daisies are especially helpful for contacting and working with nature spirits and faeries.

Poppies are also included in some wildflower mixes. The common red poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is associated with witches and goblins and is an excellent plant to use in defense and protection spells. A few poppy seeds placed under the pillow is an aid for dream work. This flower is also instrumental for luck and prosperity spells.

When Ordinary Is Extraordinary
While Gandalf said that, "power can be held in the smallest of things," so, too, can a very common plant hold a great deal of power. Perhaps one of the most common plants considered as mundane and often maligned is the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). We played with them as children, blowing on the seedheads and making wishes, but adulthood set in as well as a prejudice against these little bursts of sunshine. Aligned with Brigid and Hecate, the dandelion can enhance your psychic abilities and boost protection spells. Okay, so you may not want to plant them in your yard, but no doubt some will find their way to you on their own.

Maples (Acer spp.) are some of the most common trees and you may have one or two in your yard or a nearby park. Don't walk by and overlook them for magic. Maples are especially powerful for attracting abundance; use a little maple syrup and visualize the sweetness of life. They are also helpful for releasing what you no longer need, including sorrow.

Perhaps most of all, working with native plants establishes a strong connection with the natural world on a deep, soul level. This connection helps us access different levels of awareness that bring deeper significance to our lives and our magic. It fosters an awareness of something greater than ourselves and helps us recognize that we are a part of it. Working with local plants according to season also brings us full circle to connect with the wise folk of the past.

1. Frances Tenenbaum, ed., Taylor's Encyclopedia of Garden Plants (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003), 31.

About Sandra Kynes

Sandra Kynes (Mid-coast Maine) is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids and the author of twenty-one books, including The Witches' Encyclopedia of Magical Plants, Magical Faery Plants, Llewellyn's Complete Book ...

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