Posted Under Chakras & Energy Work

From Empathy to Manifestation: The Special Powers of Your Root Chakra

Root Chakra Illustration

Most of my clients are keen on developing their intuitive faculties. I've worked with tens of thousands of individuals and students, and most of them want to flame-on the most sparkling abilities: seeing visions, predicting the future, or hearing what their spirit guides have to say. (Okay, sometimes they want to talk with the deceased, but it's all good.)

You know my favorite form of psychic communication? It's associated with the first or root chakra. Yup. That very primal energy center in the hip area. The one as bright red as a fire hydrant, and often avoided unless we're pressed to address critical financial, safety, health, or sexual challenges.

I'm going to tempt you into further activating that chakra for its cool superpowers, however. These involve:

  • Physical healing
  • Physical empathy
  • And manifestion

To get you beyond any hurdles you might have about plugging into that root chakra, I'm going explain why it can benefit you in these ways. I'll then define each of the three aptitudes before walking you through an easy guided meditation to get you going.

First, more about chakras in general.

Chakras are subtle energy organs. I work with twelve of them. Lucky you, I'm only emphasizing the first one, so you don't have to memorize the others. Like a physical organ, a chakra manages a particular set of functions. Unlike a physical organ, however, a chakra is mainly concerned with your subtle rather than physical energy.

Energy is information that vibrates, and it composes absolutely everything: all the stuff that is visible and invisible, audible and inaudible, and provable and elusive. However, more than 99.9999 percent of all energy is subtle, also called psychic, intuitive, and quantum.1 That means that less than one percent of you is physical, which underscores the power of a chakra.

You see, subtle energies are the lattice work upon which physical energies organize. That means that your chakras are pretty much in charge of all aspects of your 3D life.

Your first chakra operates on a bandwidth of frequencies that are interpreted as red. "Red data" relates to physical survival and safety and services your health, vitality, sexuality, passion, career, and finances.

Okay, are you starting to figure out why it's so beneficial to really explore and turn on your root chakra? The following is an exploration of the three major ways that your first chakra operates intuitively.

Physical Healing
Healing is about returning to—or jump starting—wholeness and balance. We are nothing without our bodily health, and your root oversees all aspects of your physical well-being.

Fundamentally, it regulates the subtle information that determines how much electricity will pass upward the spine from its related vertebrae, the coccyx.

Life energy equals electricity. You can't get any simpler than that. All cells conduct and communicate with electrical impulses, though some can also function in other ways. From a physical point of view, a disruption in electrical currents can lead to illness. Electricity also creates patterns of action, a scientific label for our ability to perform healthy activities and generate life-enhancing movements.2

From ancient times, many cultures have stated that the root chakra spawns life energy, sometimes called prana, and kundalini, a divine energy that activates enlightenment. These very smart ancestors comprehended the ultimate job of the root chakra: to create vitality, which in turn, initiates all levels of health—physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Physical Empathy
Empathy is the ability to sense what is happening in others. Every chakra is tasked with an intuitive task. Your first chakra receives subtle clues from others that can be recognized through bodily sensations.

Have you ever sat next to someone with a muscle pain, only to find yourself rubbing yourself in the same region? Gone to the movies and grimaced when the hero punches the non-hero, because you felt how that smarted? That's physical empathy. It's mystical and mysterious and can cause mayhem, but it's oh-so-important.

I'm extraordinarily physically empathic. I have been since I was a child. For decades, that aptitude seemed to cause me nothing but problems. I believe we can "catch" patterns of illness from others, and when young, I was constantly sick. When I started therapy as a client at about age 20, I had a therapist suggest that I wasn't only codependent, but I was also psychic. I decided to "give back" my various illnesses and allergies. Nearly overnight, almost all of them disappeared—then reappeared in family members!

Since then, I've learned not to send negative energy back to anyone. Rather, I now release it into the universe to be recycled. But I've finally learned too how to use my physical empathy intelligently. I can sense what is occurring within a client's body, even over the phone. I can also tell if our work is causing a healing response in them. I can conduct both maneuvers because I sense their bodily issues in my body.

You, too, can decide when to use this gift to help analyze problems inside of others or know what they might need to become more whole.

To manifest is create something concrete out of nothing. That sounds impossible, doesn't it? That's how everything material is made, however.

Remember how I said that subtle energies organize physical energies? Our consciousness, together with intention and subtle energies, are linked in the creation process. But everything starts with nothing—or the ideas that can organize the invisible subtle elements.

Examine the history of inventors, artists, and builders. The first wheel became a useable product because of perception. Experimentation was necessary to formulate a useful lightbulb filament or for the emergence of Picasso's masterpieces. You, too, manifest with desire, concepts, and necessity. That fundamental notion starts it all, and the root chakra adds the pulsations required to formulate.

I want to note that it can be hard to force physical reality to change. That's because our internal programs might be invested in keeping things the same. As well, there are a lot of other people (and beings) initiating their desires at the same time. Of course, most of us don't know how we manufactured anything in our lives, much less how to make alterations. Figuring that out is one of life's grand adventures. However, tuning more often into your desires through your root chakra can greatly improve your chances for supersizing a lucky and loving life.

For example, many years ago, I was quite broke. Plumb broke. Yet, I needed to outfit my apartment. And so, I focused on my first chakra while driving around the neighborhood. In Minnesota, people love giving away stuff. We simply put it on our lawns with a "free" sign. I had a list of what I needed for my apartment—and had found every item within an hour. Best, it all fit into my truck!

A Root Chakra Meditation
Want to unleash your own root chakra powers? This guided meditation will help you do just that.

Take a few deep breaths and settle into a comfortable position. Rest your feet on the floor and set your hands in your lap. Accept whatever sensations or emotions you feel within your body. They are all good.

Let yourself focus within the very center of your first chakra, which is located at the base of your spine. Within is an inner chamber that serves as a port for an incredible light: absolute light. This is a light that casts no darkness and presented directly from Source.

Request that your own divine essence, along with whatever you call Source or Creator, generate the exact amounts of absolute light needed to gently activate and attune your root chakra so that it can diligently perform all its lovely duties.

Observe the resulting swish and swirl of that light as it moves forth…whatever colors, tones, messages, and sensations are being generated. Wash yourself with those beams of energy. Laugh with—and become—them, even as they are dispersed 360 degrees from the middle of your root center. Enjoy the sense of these streams filling the entirety of your first chakra and its bodily region, its oscillations transforming the negative or unnecessary ideas, emotions, memories and blocks that are preventing your root chakra from being fully functional. Then, the radiating light moves everywhere it is needed, through and beyond you.

For a few moments, focus on your desire for physical health. The absolute light automatically adapts to heal and assist. Then allow Source, through that beaming energy, to formulate a beneficial form of physical empathy. Whichever energies that are not yours are carried out for recycling, and your capability for relating in a loving way with those outside of you switches on.

Finally, own your desire to manifest that which is highest and best for yourself and others. The incoming source-light responds, and you relax into the knowledge that you can realize what is best.

When this process feels complete, release yourself. Thank yourself and Source for the beauty and power of your root chakra. Reside in the glow of source-love until you're ready to return to your everyday life.

1Sundermier, Ali. "99.9999999% of Your Body is Empty Space," September 23, 2016, Science Alert. http://www.sciencealert.com/99-9999999-of-your-body-is-empty-space.
2Plante, Amber. "How the Human Body Uses Electricity," University of Maryland Graduate School Gazette. https://www.graduate.umaryland.edu/gsa/gazette/February-2016/How-the-human-body-uses-electricity/.

About Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and healer. She has written more than thirty books, including Energy Work for the Everyday to Elite Athlete. Her year-long apprenticeship program through her ...

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