Posted Under Magic & Ritual

Macrocosm and Microcosm

ceremonial magic

My original title for this article was "MACROCOSM and MICROCOSM," but I very much wanted to grab your interest and ask for your response and involvement. I have provided a blog post regarding vibratory rates, and as you will see by reading the post, there is information missing and I'm hoping readers can provide some of that and otherwise just make suggestions.

In the late 19th century, the very word vibrations was exciting to Occultists and Scientists alike. Theosophists equated "higher vibrations" with higher spiritual development, and—of course—"lower vibrations" with all the things associated with lowness: impurity, evil, alcohol and tobacco, sex, and even Witchcraft and Magic.

Still, the ideas were stimulating, and for the first time spirituality took on a new meaning and became of interest to "the masses"—ordinary people—and the concept of "vibrations" opened the way to a changing view of reality. Solid matter was no longer so solid, and "Invisible" took on substance. Energy, Magnetism, and Force were supplemented by strange new words like Fohat, Kundalini, and Prana. And instead of just body and a soul that might not be real people, were now talking about having an etheric body, an astral body, a mental body; spirits were being encountered at séances.

We're in a "New Age" in which our ordinary experience and our education has led us to believe that the only substance is physical, but both the ancient wisdom and modern quantum science say that everything that exists has substance. We must accept this principle and realize that even thoughts and feeling are "substantial"—that is, consisting of substance. But, these are not physical substance but astral and mental substance.

When metaphysicians and psychics, and even a growing number of parapsychologists and other scientists, speak of planes or worlds—physical/etheric, astral, mental, and spiritual—they are recognizing the existence of different kinds of substance and levels of energy. These substances—in the outer universe (Macrocosm) and in the inner person (Microcosm)—are distinguished by distinct ranges of vibration.

Everything that exists "vibrates." And our perceptions are uniquely tuned in to specific ranges of vibration that we sense with our appropriate organs (physical as well as psychic organs, although these psychic organs are different in structure and nature than the physical ones). Nevertheless, some psychic perceptions combine the physical organ with one of the chakras—which we can call "psychic" or etheric organs.

"Vibration" refers to movement, and "vibrations" are measured by their frequency per second. Touch, sound, odor, taste, and sight are each characterized by particular ranges of vibrations and all phenomena perceived by these senses occur within defined ranges of vibration.

The tables posted in my corresponding blog post are scientific and speculative. They are also visibly incomplete and beg reader input. The intention is to provide a structure for our understanding of the position of Whole Person within the Whole Universe inclusive of all that lies outside of our physical perception.

Can you fill in missing information? Please read the blog post and post your comments. What are the rates for Taste and Smell? What is the range for the Physical Plane and the Physical Body, the Etheric Plane and the Etheric Body, the Astral Plane and the Astral Body, the Mental Plane and the Mental Body, and for the other planes and bodies? How do we relate these concepts to those of Soul and Spirit, the Psyche, to Consciousness and Intelligence?

Can we measure what happens in relationships between people, between people and animals, between a person and say a crystal? Is there a measurable change when an object is "charged?" When an object or person levitates, is there any kind of measurable phenomena? Can a person actually raise his or her "vibrations," and how can we measure that? Does an Astral Body have weight? Are the colors of the aura as seen by a clairvoyant of the same frequency as those seen by physical sight?

Are the frequencies measured by dowsers universally accepted, and do they correlated with other scientific data for the same minerals? Can a dowser's data be used by a person projecting in his astral body to zero in on mineral locations? Can a "ghost's" presence be dowsed or otherwise measured? Is the energy apparently used in creating a crop circle measurable, and can it be used to separate fact from trickery? Can the measurable energies detected in dowsing be used to accurately diagnose disease?

What other questions should we be asking?

We hope to collect your answers to these and other questions you may suggest, publish them, and create further dialogue.

I believe the more definition we can give to the planes, bodies, and parts, the better can we communicate and learn. Can Metaphysical Knowledge be a definitive as Physical Knowledge? Can Psychologists have the same vocabulary as the Occultist? When we can communicate with a common "language" we increase our potential for new discoveries, new understanding and new beneficial applications of these cross disciplines.

Let's talk together and communicate globally. Read my corresponding blog post here and post your comments.

About Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (Minnesota) was the owner and chairman of Llewellyn Worldwide, the world's oldest and largest metaphysical publisher. He played a seminal role in the rise of Wicca and Neo-Paganism in the 1960s and ...

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