Posted Under Gnosticism

Body of Light Practice

Magical Books

In this exercise to awaken the healing power within you, meditate on your body as a source of tremendous energy, seeing it as a great shining star giving light and life to all that surrounds it. The key is to utilize whatever imagery helps you realize your body as an abode of immeasurable energy and resilience, a palace of lights. It is especially powerful to perform this practice out in nature.

  • Sit and abide in primordial meditation and follow your breath, then gently shift your focus to contemplate your body with holy awe and wonder. Consider how amazing is the body: the skin and bones, muscles and nerves, and all of the various organs; the billions of cells composing the body; the molecules, atoms, and nuclei that form the underlying structure of the cells.
  • Direct your consciousness into one single cell of your body and imagine it resonating with a certain sound-vibration, having its own tone, and feel it alive and pulsing with life-power and strength. See it glowing with light from within.
  • Gradually broaden your meditation to include two or three more cells, feeling and envisioning them in the same way. Little by little become aware of your body’s vast nature, and its incredible strength and capacity to heal. Sense that you are in a place of great beauty and holiness, of wonder and infinite richness, and feel the pure delight of being, allowing appreciation and gratitude to fill and overflow your consciousness.
  • Continue to extend this luminous awareness throughout your entire body, cell to cell, region to region, until your whole body is self-radiant and taken up in this divine rapture. Perceive the vibrant warmth of light pervading your entire body, and celebrate this peaceful and joyful palace of light, this grand microcosm of life and light.
  • Sense that this radiant awareness naturally and spontaneously releases any tension. Abide in the awareness of your entire being as innately aligned and in harmony with divine being.
  • As your body is suffused by this pure radiant awareness, the light in the body becomes brighter and brighter, the glow becoming a blaze, then an intense brilliance. Become the light-presence and light-power, the human one of light.
  • Your body is filled with divine light, and the cells of your body shine from within like billions of suns, the light of which fills the infinite inner space of your body. Rest and bathe in this feeling.
  • When this cycle is complete, envision light and energy streaming from your body, forming a protective aura of healing energy all around you. Then visualize this healing power extending to other people and other places, imbuing them with light and peace, activating their intrinsic light-presence and light-power. As you become more experienced with this practice, this field of divine energy may be extended to include the whole world, or even the entire universe, all as in your body of light as the human one of light.

In order to strengthen this practice, you may first generate the body of light, and then transform your body of light into the divine image of a partzuf, such as Master Yeshua, Lady Mirya, the Virgin Mother, or St. Raphael. In this way, you may become aware of the innate divinity and wisdom within you, calling it forth to help in your healing work. By generating the body of light and the aura of the healing power, you may transmit the healing power to another person through touch, laying hands upon them as inspired by the light-presence and light-power.

To focus the mind while laying on of hands and calling upon the healing power of divine being, soft chanting of the divine names may be used. Two most commonly used with this practice are IAO and Ya-Ha-Sha-Va-Ha.

Whether performed with oneself or with another person this practice is concluded with praise and thanksgiving and with the generation of the sacred heart, which is accomplished by bringing up feelings of love and compassion, and then sending forth blessings to all beings.

From Gnostic Healing, by Tau Malachi and Siobhán Houston.

About Tau Malachi

Tau Malachi is a Gnostic Apostle, or Gnostic Master, of a Magdala Tradition of Gnostic Christianity, one that has a rich oral tradition of Mirya Magdala (Mary Magdalene) as the Anointed Bride, or female spiritual counterpart ...

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