Posted Under Ghosts & Hauntings

Re-Charging a Haunting

Dark Haunted Forest

Over time, the "groove," or ghost, will get weaker, and will eventually disappear entirely. However, hauntings can be recharged under the right circumstances, especially in any area where there is a great amount of energy transference. If a sentimental object of the dead person is brought into the area, the apparitions can be recharged. However, there are a few other reasons that may cause a ghost recording to be recharged. These circumstances involve aura similarities, renovations, large electrical fields, and se?ances or Ouija boards.

Aura Similarities
It is common knowledge in parapsychology and metaphysics that every living thing has a life force, or aura. In Biblical times,this was often referred to as a "halo." According to many experts in the metaphysical community, the aura is the life essence or psychic field that makes each of us unique.

The aura of a living individual may be very similar to that of the person who has left the ghost recording or spirit. Considering how similar the aura field is, the recording or spirit may actually borrow some of this energy from the person. This makes the ghost or spirit stronger while leaving the person feeling very fatigued and drained for hours. The energy level of the person will eventually be renewed given time and rest.

Renovations to a Physical Place
Renovations to a room or building may also cause an increase in ghost and spirit activity. When additions to a house or building change the overall appearance of the layout of the house, paranormal activity usually is concentrated in the area of the renovations. Most likely, the apparitions are visual or auditory, although in some cases there have been reports of "missing" items, such as tools.

In the case of an earthbound spirit that is attempting to communicate, its efforts may be redoubled by any major changes to its surroundings. This is especially the case if the renovations have something to do with an unkept promise. For example, if a person promised to keep a family house in good repair and that place is being demolished to build something else, the appearance of the spirit may increase dramatically, and do as much as possible to prevent the new house from being completed.

Large Electrical Fields or Disturbances
Large electrical disturbances or fields can also "recharge" a ghost recording. Places near electrical towers have often had an increased amount of paranormal activity in general. Not only are ghosts and spirits more prevalent, but other paranormal events, such as UFOs, are also more common. The theory is that it is drawing energy from the large electrical source in much the same way that the ghost drains energy from the aura. If there are increased electrical disturbances in a house, such as light bulbs blowing out at an increased rate, a large number of fuses blowing, etc., there is a chance that the cause could be a ghost. (Before making this conclusion, make certain that the electrical wiring in an area is sound.)

Se?ances or Ouija Boards

As many people do not know that there is a difference between a spirit and a ghost, they may attempt to contact a ghost in any way possible. The most common method is through a se?ance or Ouija board. Any organized attempt to conjure or contact spirits of the dead in this manner will generally bring about many unexpected results. In the case of a ghost,the energy used to "contact" it could be used to recharge it, making the appearances more frequent. In the case of a spirit, you may be getting much more than bargained for.

At this point, I would like to offer one word of caution about attempting to contact spirits in this fashion. You may be opening a vortex or doorway for malevolent spirits instead of the ones you were originally attempting to contact. This is especially dangerous with people who do not know exactly what they are doing in regards to se?ances and Ouija boards. I would highly recommend to anyone investigating a haunting not to use these forms of communication, or get involved in any investigation in which the eyewitnesses used either.

Excerpted from How to Be a Ghost Hunter, by Richard Southall

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