Posted Under Tarot

Tarot Spell to Preserve Beauty and Health, and to Delay Aging

This is a spell for persons who have reached that certain age where one begins to be concerned about the appearance of wrinkles, thinning hair, graying, etc. This spell seeks to summon up spiritual powers as well as to send a message to the subconscious mind to mitigate the usual damage done by aging and by stress.

Ordinarily, the Wheel of Fortune represents progress and change for the better, but in this layout, it is used to represent the aging process. The Hanged Man represents stasis, and is used to cross the Wheel; it shows the march of time being thwarted. The Ace of Cups provides nourishment from spiritual and emotional sources to keep body cells and systems young and healthy. The Star also stands for nourishment from these sources, as well as for continued charm and beauty. Both the Ace of Cups and the Star also bestow the emotional and spiritual riches, which are so necessary to keeping a youthful attitude.

For this spell, have prepared a cup of water, preferably a silver goblet. If you wish to use other accessories for this spell, white might be used for candles, flowers, crystals and gemstones, and cloth, as it symbolizes pure psychic energy. Green is also a good color, as it represents healing and regeneration. Blue, which represents calm and peace, may be preferred in a situation where you feel that stress is taking a heavy toll on your youth and health. Red, which stands for energy and vitality, is also an appropriate color. The color you choose depends on which needs and qualities you want to emphasize.

It will also be helpful to have included near your Tarot spell spread a picture of yourself in your prime; that is, with the looks you want to preserve. If possible, set a mirror or mirrors up around the edge of your arrangement, so the images will be reflected in the mirrors.

This is a spell that should be performed periodically, especially during the waxing Moon.

To perform this spell, you may improvise a ritual of your own or just proceed by laying out the cards and doing the following meditation, visualization, and affirmation.


Meditation and Visualization
Lay out the cards when you come to the appropriate point in the spell.

First, lay down the Ace of Cups. Visualize yourself standing alongside a calm lake on a warm summer evening. Imagine that you hold your hands out, and suddenly a silver cup appears in your hands. You bend down, and dip the cup into the cool blue water. At this point, take up the cup of water that you have prepared and drink from it. Continue your visualization while you drink, imagining that as you sip slowly from the cup, savoring the fresh taste of the water, you feel a wonderful tingling sensation all over your body. The water makes you feel totally refreshed and relaxed. You are struck by the realization that you are partaking of a magical drink that will preserve you in a state of youth and beauty. You realize that you are drinking from the fountain of youth.

Next, lay down the Wheel of Fortune (on its side, as indicated in the diagram), picturing time as a great wheel, which cycles the years and seasons. Immediately lay down the Hanged Man so that it crosses the Wheel. Study the calm and contemplative look on the hanged man's youthful face. Consider how the Hanged Man represents suspension and stasis, as well as calm and reflection. As you look at this card, notice that your facial muscles and other muscles are becoming totally smoothed, totally relaxed. Know that the water you drank from the cup has given you a spiritual tranquility, which will immunize you against the stresses that bring about aging.

Finally, set down the Star. Again, visualize yourself by the lake under the evening sky. Look up to the stars, and realize that you have a special kinship with them. Realize that their power is yours to draw upon, for the very atoms that comprise your body have come across the vast distances from the stars. Stretch your arms out and visualize the stars whirling around you, until you feel your own spirit joining in the dance of the stars. Know that the magical energy that you have drawn from this spell will continue to nourish you, and that you can always replenish yourself by repeating this visualization.

After you have finished meditating on the cards and visualizations,carefully, and with as much feeling as you canrecite the following affirmation.

"I have tasted the waters of life!
My spirit soars,
and my body is regenerated.
I am nourished by powers from within
and powers from without.
Every cell and every system in my body
is nourished and refreshed.
My mind is tranquil
and I am filled with peace.
The vast river of the cosmos
flows past me.
Time stands still for me.
The years wheel by,
yet they have no power over me
for the stars are my kindred,
and their power sustains me.
So it is,and so it shall continue to be!"

You may consider the spell closed at this point, or you may close the spell as desired.

Excerpted from Tarot Spells, by Janina Renée

About Janina Renée

Janina Renée is a scholar of folklore, psychology, medical anthropology, the material culture of magic, ritual studies, history, and literature. Her books include Tarot Spells, Tarot Your Everyday Guide (winner ...

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