
Have You Experienced Past Lives? An Exercise


The following list of questions is designed to help you open your mind to the possibility of past-life experiences. These are common questions, which, if answered in the affirmative, can be explained through reincarnation. Although there are other possible explanations, your answers can provide clues to possible past-life existences. Keep an open mind.

  1. Are there places you have always dreamed of visiting?
  2. Are there places you would never want to visit?
  3. Are there periods of history with which you felt more kinship and which you enjoyed studying more?
  4. Are there any activities you have always especially liked to watch or participate in?
  5. Are there activities you have always wanted to avoid participating in?
  6. Are there areas of the country that you feel negative about?
  7. Is there an area of the country you feel especially drawn to?
  8. Are there any particular people(s) that you feel drawn to or have an interest in (racially, religiously, socially, and so on)?
  9. Are there any particular people(s) you try to avoid (racially, religiously, socially, and so on)?
  10. Are there fears that you remember having had your entire life (or since childhood)?
  11. What talents do you have that you have always known about, even if you have never used them?
  12. What are your favorite foods? Least favorite?
  13. Have you had chronic ills since birth?
  14. Are there any chronic problems, emotional issues, or attitudes that you can attribute to early childhood?
  15. Are there some people you have instantly felt close to, even if you have not known them long? Are there people you have been repelled by or felt uncomfortable with, even if you have just met them?
  16. Have you ever experienced a feeling of de?ja? vu? (De?ja? vu comes from the French and means "already seen." This is the experience of recognizing a scene, street, house, and so on, as being strangely familiar, even though it has never been seen before.)
  17. Young children often offer spontaneous evidence of past lives. They frequently mention other "homes" and other relationships with those around them. These expressions are usually casual and matter of fact. Did you do this as a child? Have you heard other children do so?
  18. Can you see where the possibility of past lives would explain the phenomena of child prodigies?
  19. Have you ever had recurring dreams of a particular place or time? (Dreams that reflect past lives often recur, and they have a vivid reality about them.) Is an unknown language ever spoken within the dream? Are the characters and settings in the past? Is there an anachronistic element within a modern scene; i.e., clothing, tools, and so on from the past?
  20. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience, consciously or not? What of a near-death experience? What could these tell you about the possibility of life after death and rebirth?

Excerpted from How to Uncover Your Past Lives, by Ted Andrews

About Ted Andrews

Ted Andrews (1952-2009) was an award-winning author and deeply respected teacher in the metaphysical and spiritual fields. Through his seminars, symposiums, workshops, and lectures, he was committed to making ...

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