Posted Under Spells

Love Spells and Teens

Relationships Heart in Hands

There are a few equations that everyone is familiar with—one is e=mc, and another is that high school=emotional turmoil. Trust me, I've been there. You've got friendship drama, parental spy-age issues, homework denial, and the worst four letter word uttered in a classroom: quiz. Then, on top off all that chaos, there is the relationship factor. Or in some cases, the lack-of-relationship factor. So it's no wonder why creative, ingenious teen Wiccans flip through their Book of Shadows every now and then for a little "help." But here's the thing: love spells can be tricky—they are more complicated than a good luck locker charm or textbook blessing. Love is an intense emotion and mixing that with Magick can bring intense results. What's a teen Wiccan to do when faced with this dilemma? Well, for some good news, I am here to help guide you.

In Wicca, ethics (or valued beliefs) play an important role. One common ethic is The Rede, which states "Harm None." This means don't cause (yourself or anyone else) intentional harm in daily life and when utilizing Magick. There is an extension of this rule that suggests that manipulating another person via spells is harmful. Each person has free will to make their own choices and it is not ethical to invade this right. Some love spells are manipulative and go against The Rede, whereas others are okay. So how does one go about deciding what's ethical and what's not? Great question.

Most Wiccans will agree that it is unethical to focus a love spell on a specific person (i.e. Jason in biology class). And it is also totally wrong to breakup a relationship just so you can date one of those people. Other love spells can be tricky to figure out, so it will be up to you to decide what's okay and what goes against The Rede. In my book, Confessions of a Teenage Witch, I offer three questions to help. They are:

  1. Would I mind if this spell were cast on me?
  2. Am I willing to take responsibility for my actions?
  3. By working this spell am I going to harm anyone or intrude on someone's free will?

If you are still unsure, don't cast the spell. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Now that we've tackled the serious ethical issues, let's move on to the fun stuff because it is actually possible to develop love spells that are positive in nature. One type of love spell that we'll focus on is to "invite" a person into your life. By invite, I mean put your intentions out into the universe and see what develops.Maybe you want a caring short-term relationship or something more serious and long term. Whatever you're seeking, there is someone else in the dating scene looking for exactly the same thing.They key to all of this is how you go about requesting your goal.

Spell It Out
Before I start creating a spell, I like to brainstorm ideas. Try it! On a scrap of paper write down things you associate with love. I think of Valentine's Day, heart shapes, candles, music, flowers, scented oils (like vanilla), and the colors red and pink. Afterward I look around my witchy stock and see what herbs, oils, etc. match up with my ideas. So, let's say you have vanilla oil, pink stationary, red ribbon, and a candle. But, there's one problem: you're not allowed to burn candles in your room. That's okay, put that aside then. You'll still be able to create a fantastic love spell using the supplies you have left. Stay with me here, there's just a few more steps to go!

As with many things in life, verbally expressing your desire helps to achieve a goal. In Wicca, this affirmation is called a chant or incantation. You can make your own or find one in a book. One really fun chant that I wrote is featured in my book, Spellcraft for Teens.

To Summon a Prince

Silver moon, shining bright, send to me my Mr. Right. Mugwort, yarrow, and some mints, banish the toad and summon my prince!

Okay, there isn't really a toad or a prince, but it still states the need, "send to me my Mr. Right," and that's the part that counts!

Now we'll compile the spell together. Using the stationary, write down what you'd like in an ideal person (i.e. sense of humor, high intelligence, a great smile). Remember, don't name a specific person since it's unethical. Then rub a drop of vanilla oil on the paper in the form of a pentacle (five point star encased in a circle) and say your chosen chant or incantation. Finally, roll the paper into a scroll and tie it with your ribbon. Hold the scroll in your hands and visualize yourself happy, content and filled with positive, loving energy. It's done!

As you progress with Magick, you'll come to understand the process more and value The Rede as an important guideline. You'll also notice that not all spells work right away; patience is a necessity. The results may also be subtle, for example you'll fall in "like" instead of "love." Or you'll find more clarity in the types of people you should avoid dating, opening the way for the right type. Most of all, remember to love yourself because one of the most attractive things in a person is healthy self-esteem!

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