Posted Under Astrology

Astrology From a Feminine Perspective

Astrological Symbols

"Is a Leo man good for a Capricorn woman?" "How does a Virgo go with a Gemini?"

Or, perhaps, "How did a beautiful relationship that seemed so right go so wrong?"

If you've ever pondered questions like these, you'll love Llewellyn's new title, Star Guide to Guys. This book is for every woman, from the one who likes to read her horoscope to the serious student of astrology. There's no confusing astrological lingo, just humorous, down-to-earth advice about men.

Part one, "All About Him," describes each sign in detail. Here's a short excerpt on Gemini: "'At last,' you think, 'a man I can be friends with,' and this time, you'd be right. It's when the delight of friendship turns into the confining embrace of commitment that the going gets, well, iffy. Women who have intolerable (to him) emotional demands are his worst nightmare. But if you're an independent, busy woman who requires a lot of freedom yourself, a Gemini man is a possibility."

After each chapter on men's signs, there are three "Dos and Don'ts." For example, to live happily with Gemini: "Do … cultivate a support system so you don't depend on him for all your emotional needs. Don't … try to keep him off his computer. Get two computers or find another way to have a pleasurable time." The Sagittarius man is a whole different animal: "Do … respect his right to sit back with a beer and enjoy the game in peace. Don't … ever ask him, 'Honey, do these pants make my butt look big?'"

Let's face it: successful relationships have much to do with accepting a man as he is. Only very young or misguided women believe they can change him. Of course the reverse is also true … but women think more about their relationships and work harder at them than men do — and sometimes the ones who know the most have to give the most.

Part two, "All About You," tells the story of your basic self—as a child, a young adult and a mature woman who has learned (or will eventually) to make the best of the very character traits that may be troublesome early-on. Take the Aries woman: "She still thinks she knows best, but now that she realizes she can be brusque and impatient, she's learning to listen and be more thoughtful of people's feelings. She's still as gutsy as ever, she still needs a challenge and, in spite of everything that's happened to her, she's still optimistic."

After each sign description comes the fun part—how your sign goes with the twelve signs in men. Do his goals and personality complement yours—or will they cause friction and, in time, heartbreak? For instance, take the Leo man and the Capricorn woman and their differing approaches to money: "She's careful. She wants to buy a Roth IRA or at least get the bills paid off. He wants that too, except he just saw a $3,500 plasma TV that would look great in the family room! He wants only the best, feels he deserves it and that's what he buys. So does she, but only if and when they can afford it." A Virgo man would understand her need for security. Plus, he won't complain that she works too much, because he does, too.

Between divorce, death, careers, and our own preferences, we all have times when we're alone. Part three, "On Your Own," reminds you of the qualities you have that enable you to live a joyous, fulfilled life, whether it includes a man or not. This is how a Taurus woman's traits come into play when she's finally had enough: "Your friends call you stubborn? Great! That's just what you need now. You can stick to your decision like no other sign. He could come crawling back with a red rose between his teeth and you wouldn't budge. You enjoy your own company and the peace that now prevails in your home. You get a quiet sense of satisfaction having your little routines just the way you want them."

So just how does a Virgo woman go with a Gemini? In short, not all that well: "Things that bug her: men who are always late or don't show at all. That's him. Things that bug him: So-called 'uptight' women who like their house spotless. That's her. If they go their separate ways, she may have a broken heart, but at least she's happy to be rid of all his stuff that was cluttering up the place. Some things feel as good as an orgasm!"

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