Posted Under Tarot

Love—Is It in the Cards?

Tarot Cards

Most of us desire love, whether we openly admit it or not. Our pursuit and longing to be known and loved for who we are is, in part, our quest for wholeness. Finding our soul mate is as much about discovering our own soul as it is about looking for our beloved.

But what is love? Is it a feeling? A belief? Something physical? We say we love chocolate, time off, new cars and sunny days, and then we use the same word to describe our feelings for our family, children, partners and ourselves. A little confusing, don't you think? Actually, we don't think about it. We haphazardly toss "love" around every day attaching it to all kinds of things. Because love is such a vast and vague archetype, it is worth spending some effort to define for ourselves.

When consulting tarot cards or other oracles regarding love and relationships, it is important to phrase the question in a way that gives more information than a simple yes or no. The knowledge gained from a well-formulated question is invaluable whether you are reading for yourself or others

Instead of asking:

Will I find love?

Try asking:

  • How do I feel about love?
  • How do I feel about the prospect of a new relationship?
  • How would I feel if I were in a relationship?
  • What do I want from a relationship?
  • What do I expect from a relationship?
  • What I should I look for in a partner?
  • Why haven't I found love yet?
  • What kind of people do I attract?
  • What kind of people do I find attractive?
  • Why have my other relationships ended?
  • What lessons have I learned from my past relationships?
  • How will those lessons help me with future relationships?
  • What is keeping me from starting a new relationship?
  • What relationship advice do I need right now?
  • When will I find love?
  • What do I have to offer a partner?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What are my weaknesses?
  • What are my hopes?
  • What are my fears?
  • What do I expect from a relationship?
  • What should I expect from a relationship?
  • What should I do to find a partner?
  • How can I be more attractive to prospective partners?
  • Where should I look for love?
  • How can I be ready for love?
  • How can I be happily single in the meantime?

Excerpt is from Tall Dark Stranger, by Corrine Kenner

Ever wonder why you are attracted to some people and not others? It is a feeling of familiarity and intimacy that you can't explain. For better or worse, certain people play an important role in your life as you do in theirs. Are these people your soul mates? Maria Shaw offers some ways for us to tell.

Many times when people are in a wonderful relationship, they tend to think they've found their elusive soul mate. People who feel this way describe a deep, soul-stirring emotion. They've been in love before, but nothing like this. They feel no jealousy, no fear and no threats to the relationship. They feel at peace and complete. Yes, there is a strong possibility they have found a soul mate. But there are many different types of soul mates, and they do not necessarily have to be lovers, spouses or romantic interests. Yet the majority are. Soul mates come together because they are working on the same type of karma in this lifetime. A soul draws to it what it lacks or needs to complete its mission. On spiritual paths, souls are drawn to one another because they feel a strong connection. Each desires what the other has to fulfill itself and become one. The feeling is not one of infatuation or obsession. It is peace. It is knowing you are supposed to be with a particular person for some higher purpose.

The Common Reasons Why Soul Mates "Hook Up"

  1. To repay a debt.
  2. To receive payment of a debt.
  3. To right a wrong or learn a lesson.
  4. An early death in a former lifetime.
  5. For soul's growth.
  6. To complete or finish something.
  7. To help another soul.
  8. Out of love.

Excerpt is from Soul Mates & Hot Dates by Maria Shaw

Once you've found your soul mate, you'll want to do all you can to keep your partnership strong and vital. This intense, soul connection exposes us to each other and brings up all kinds of issues for us to heal. There will be times when it is difficult for us to share this unhealed part of ourselves with our partner. When this happens, you can use tarot cards to help you more deeply understand your options and work through the situation.

No matter how close you are to your partner, it's not always easy to say what's on your mind. This spread can make it easier for you to put a finger on what you want to say … and help you come up with ideas for the best time and the best way to say it.

  • Card 1: Timing.
  • Card 2: Method (what to do or not do).
  • Card 3: Risk (of not telling).
  • Card 4: Benefit (of telling).
  • Card 5: Advice.

Excerpt is from Taking the Tarot to Heart by Mark McElroy

The lines in the palm of your hand reveal many things about your characteristics and destiny. In particular, your heart line shows your emotional style and how you approach love affairs in general. You can make a xerox of your palm or put talcum powder on it to get a better look at your heart line.

Your heart line (also known as your love line) is the very top line in your palm. It starts a bit below your little finger and runs across the palm. The heart line will reveal information about your love life and how you deal with emotions. It will predict the ups and downs of your relationships over the next seventy years or so.

  • Small branches that swing upward from the heart line mean you will have a happy love life and lots of good friends. The more upward branches you have, the more popular you will be.
  • Branches in a downward direction mean heartbreak or disappointment in love and friendships.
  • If your love line curves up, you fall in love fast. You wear your heart on your sleeve and can get hurt easily. But you'll rebound quickly and be off to capture more hearts! Romance is very important to you. You are a passionate person. The bigger the curve, the more romantic you are!
  • If the heart line is straight or has a small curve, you are cautious and not as apt to fall head over heels in love. You are loyal and will make a great husband or wife. You're a little too logical at times, and will need to make an extra effort to give hugs and kisses.
  • Long, straight heart lines mean you are very intense, jealous and possessive. You give 110 percent in a relationship, but can be a little controlling.
  • If your heart line turns down at the end, it means you can be moody and hard to deal with. You won't find this example much. Most heart lines curve upward. But if you're dating someone whose heart line turns down, you can expect the relationship to be stormy! If you have such a line, you may want to change some of your attitudes about love and be more optimistic.

Excerpt is from Maria Shaw's Star Gazer by Maria Shaw

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  1. What does love feel like in your body?
  2. What are your beliefs about love?
  3. How do you experience love when you are alone?
  4. How do you know when you love someone?
  5. How do you know when you are in love with someone?
  6. What is (are) your experience(s) of being loved by others?
Most people assume that assigning a personal keyword to every card in the tarot is a beginner's tip. However, not many people realize that personal tarot keywords can also help take a beginner tarot...
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