
Love Doctoring

Relationships Heart in Hands

Hello. My name is Kathleen Charlotte. I'm a psychologist, a sex and relationship counselor, and a Voodoo priestess (an odd combination, I know), and I’d like to tell you about my new book, Va-Va-Voodoo, which combines relationship advice with magical practices to help you find love, keep love and make love.

You probably already know that there's a lot of fear, prejudice and misinformation about Voodoo, so a lot of people tend to steer clear of it. Lucky you, then, if you decide to buy this book and put it to good use, because those who don't have absolutely no idea of how to achieve such remarkable success in love—how you managed to find Mr. or Ms. Right while they can't, and why you have such a happy relationship and spiced-up love life when theirs is so dull and dreary! All of which means you'll face even less competition for the man or woman of your dreams and, as an added bonus, you'll have the reputation of a sex god!

While we're on the subject, let's clear up a few misconceptions about Voodoo and what it involves: we don't stick pins in dolls, we don't sit around sacrificing animals and making zombies and we don't practice devil worship (in fact, there isn't even a devil in Voodoo). We have fun and make love instead! What we do in Voodoo is exactly the same as in shamanism or Wicca: we work with the natural, loving energies of the universe and gently coax them to help us out a little so that we get what we want—even if what we want just so happens to be a little va-va-voom from Va-Va-Voodoo!

So what's in my book and how can it help you? You'll find chapters on how to work with the spirits of love, like Erzulie, the Voodoo love goddess, and Ogoun, the spirit of charisma and eloquence. Services for these spirits are included, as well as magical baths to draw in their powers so you become sexier, more lovable and able to charm the pants off anyone!

There are also chapters on lucid dreaming, dream analysis, and love divination to help you find the man or woman of your dreams. Your dream lover will appear "as if by magic" (which it is!) if you use the charms, mojos, love oils and magical scents the book explains and provides recipes for—or, if all else fails, you use the "honey pot magic" trick!

The chapter, "Putting the 'oo' in Voodoo," is about the Voodoo approach to tantra and shows you how to perform a sensual chakra massage using special oils for love, orgasmic bliss, and bedroom stamina. It also tells you how to prepare deliciously sexy aphrodisiacs to get you in the mood and, if you're feeling really naughty, there are a few tricks included on how to bind a lover to you and keep them hot for your love—and ultra-faithful!

If your relationship should lose its sparkle, though, I'll also show you how to use Voodoo to ease the pain of separation and wash away the past so you can start again, and how to set up psychic and home protection to avoid those difficult phone calls and letters! Then check out the chapter on how to get back in the game of love—for example, by setting up a pwen, a magical point of power to help you find a new and better lover.

Along the way I'll also be offering you useful advice that I've used to help thousands of people in my relationship counseling practice, including the ten essential rules that everyone needs to know in order to make a relationship work; like the fact that there is a third party in every relationship and there are things you can do about it, and the inclusion of advice for developing more effective and loving communication skills.

Whether you're an experienced Voodoo practitioner, a Wiccan priestess, a practicing shaman, or entirely new to the magical arts, you'll find something for you in Va-Va-Voodoo, including secret recipes for love and attraction, little-known practices for enhancing your charisma and personal power, and love charms that actually work. Or if you'd just like a little relationship advice without the "Voodoo mumbo jumbo," you'll find that here as well.

I'm a firm believer that magic doesn't have to be stuffy and we don't have to wade through great boring tomes to learn effective new techniques, so Va-Va-Voodoo is anything but dull. In fact, I think it'll cheer you up and give you a good laugh (though the magic is serious and it works)—so it's good medicine too! Many blessings and much love and happiness in your sensual explorations!

About Kathleen Charlotte

Initiated in the healing arts of Voodoo, Kathleen Charlotte (United Kingdom) is a therapist, healer, and relationship counselor who combines psychology and Voodoo magic to help clients. She is also a co-founder of The Four ...