Posted Under Astrology

A Quick Guide to an Aries Sun Sign

It's All About Astrology by Nicole Wells

An Aries's personality is large and in charge. They leave a lasting impression on everyone they meet. Those who are lucky enough to befriend an Aries are guaranteed to have a partner in crime. Aries love to laugh and have a good time. I have to say, I love being around people with Aries placements. They are the most lively, loving, fun friends I've ever had.

At their best, Aries are exuberant, confident, hilarious, and brave. There are few things in life that best them; this is because at their core, Aries believe they can do anything they set their mind to. They are natural leaders who inspire everyone around them.

Of course, there are downsides to every sign. Aries are reckless and impulsive, and they lack foresight. They tend to be super happy or incredibly cranky. And, while we're on the subject, they are outright loud, which can be tough for earth and water signs to handle.

Before we dive into Aries placements, there are a few logistics that are good to know. Aries rules the first house, the house of self (personality, self-expression, individuality, etc.). And Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, making them the "youngest" sign in astrology, so they're often likened to a child. I think of Aries like a toddler: On a good day, they are a delight to be around. They're goofy and down for anything; they laugh loudly and often; their smile lights up a room. But on a bad day? Watch out. Adult Aries never really outgrew the terrible twos. Grown Aries have been known to throw a temper tantrum.

Aries's symbol is the ram. This accurately sums up their stubbornness. If there's an obstacle in their way, they'll just use their horns to shove it aside so they can get where they're going. The ram is certain of its path and has no problem telling others what they believe their path to be, too. If you've never been on the receiving end of advice from an Aries, I'll just tell you now, your feelings are probably going to get hurt. An Aries doesn't beat around the bush. They give fantastic advice—if you can get past the way they deliver it.

Aries is a fire sign. All fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) share similar traits: They are passionate, loud, and confident. They don't shy away from the spotlight, and they rarely back down from a fight. Even when the flame of a fire sign is sputtering, it stays lit; others may balk at their never-ending charisma, even at their lowest moments. And when the flame of a fire sign roars to life, well, let's just say there’s no doubting their presence.

Aries is a cardinal sign. All cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) go fast. Anytime an Aries is involved, chaos will ensue. Aries is the best person to go barhopping with, but you might need to have an energy drink beforehand to keep up. They're sort of like the Energizer Bunny. They go, go, go—until they crash. A tired Aries, an Aries who has fully expended their cardinal energy, must be left alone. Much like a hibernating bear, they'll return when the time is right. In the meantime, leave them be. Their rebound time is faster than most, so they'll be taking tequila shots with you again in no time.

Aries Sun
The Sun is typically in the sign of Aries from March 21 to April 19. When individuals have an Aries Sun, they are pretty genial people, though you don't want to cross them, because they will rain hellfire down on you. This is one of the most spiteful signs, so Aries never forgets the ways they've been wronged. The good news is that Aries loses interest in things pretty fast, so if you've pissed one off, you just have to hold out until they find someone new to hate.

Pure Aries Energy
If you've ever been in a room with a person who radiates confidence, they're probably an Aries. Even when they're totally quiet (which doesn’t happen very often, to be fair), they give off a badass energy that's hard to describe. Aries Suns do not care what other people think of them. If someone cuts in line, Aries will speak up. If a performer asks for a volunteer, Aries raises their hand. If their order gets messed up at a restaurant, Aries will send it back—and with their charm, they might even finagle a free dessert out of the situation. An Aries's straightforwardness is refreshing, if a bit abrasive at times.

  • Aries Suns are incredibly spontaneous. For example, Aries is the sort of person who walks into a tattoo shop in the middle of the day and picks a random flash design to put on their body, just because. Then, when someone points to their new ink and asks what the tattoo means, Aries will shrug and say, "I don’t know. I just liked it." They never second-guess an inspired action.
  • Most Aries Suns have at least one area of life that they are constantly switching up, whether it's the car they drive, their hairstyle, or the business idea they're developing. They don't like it when things become too predictable or familiar. They believe life is too short to continue with the same old, same old. Earth signs will struggle to understand Aries's impermanence.
  • Aries Suns are convinced that they are a better driver than everyone else on the road. If you've ever driven with an Aries Sun, you already know their road rage is through the roof. Aries Suns regularly cuss out other drivers. If they have a more subdued Mercury or Mars, however, they'll be more likely to keep their nasty thoughts to themselves. Whenever an Aries is not in control of the car, they're sure to be a backseat driver.
  • There is nothing an Aries hates more than being bored. It may seem like every time you talk to an Aries, they have a new hobby. These flavor-of-the-month obsessions will ebb and flow. Just when you think you've gotten the hang of their latest obsession, they're on to the next.
  • Aries Suns are polarizing—you either love them or hate them. Often- times, Aries rub people the wrong way. They are not very careful with their delivery, and more sensitive signs such as Cancer take this bluntness personally. Those who are compatible with Aries Suns appreciate their honesty, whereas those who aren't will think they are mean.

Gifts for an Aries Sun
Aries aren't sentimental people, so don't bother getting them one of those "Someone in [Location] loves you"–type of things. They'd rather receive an experience than a tangible item. Memories are forever, but that glass souvenir isn't—it'll break when Aries moves and decides not to bother with bubble wrap.

  • Aries loves versatility, so take them to a brewery where they can create their own flight, or visit a winery to do a taste testing.
  • Buy Aries a gift card to a tattoo shop so they can get a spur-of-the- moment tattoo or, if they're a little more reserved, a piercing that they can take out when they get tired of it in a few months.
  • Visit an amusement park, play laser tag, or see a horror movie in theaters. Basically, take them somewhere they can shout without freaking someone out.
  • Pay attention to what an Aries's latest hobby is and purchase a gift accordingly. Don't spend too much money on it, though—Aries is guaranteed to have a new passion project within a few months.

So Your Boss Is an Aries Sun...
This is not the easiest Sun sign to have as a boss. It's basically impossible to suck up to them, and their moods can flip like a switch. If you get on their bad side, you might as well put in your two weeks' notice. But if you can manage to win them over, you've secured a ride-or-die colleague.

  • Don't make them ask you for something twice. If your boss asks you to do something, do it immediately. Nothing irritates an Aries more than repeating themselves.
  • Aries believes they can do things better than most, so make sure you're putting your best foot forward. If you're unsure how to improve a project, your Aries boss is not the person to ask. They'll have good ideas, sure, but then they'll question your ability and decide to just do it themselves. Instead, go find a quiet and capable coworker and request their feedback. Then take the revised work to your boss.
  • Fake it 'til you make it! Never show weakness in front of your Aries boss, especially not at the beginning of your relationship. If you're unsure about your work, plaster on a big smile and sell it. If you notice your Aries boss still isn't convinced, be quick to admit fault and defer to their wisdom. Essentially, if your Aries boss isn't buying it, your best bet is to tuck tail and admit they could do it better, then ask them for guidance. They'll appreciate the ego boost.
  • Dealing with personal issues? Your Aries boss should never know about it. Do not—I repeat, do not—come into work crying. Do not tell your Aries boss that you need time off because your boyfriend just broke up with you; make up an excuse. Always leave your emotional distress at home, because Aries is not sensitive to your issues. They come into work and get shit done, and they expect you to do the same. So that runny nose you have from crying all night? As far as your boss is concerned, that's actually a seasonal allergy.

So Your Coworker Is an Aries Sun...
You definitely want your Aries coworkers in your corner. An Aries will fight tooth and nail for you. When you're in an Aries's good graces, they'll say nice things about you behind your back. Bonus points if you hate the same people—that's great bonding material with an Aries.

  • Thank them for the work they do. Aries works hard, and they appreciate recognition. Unlike some signs who will work and work without ever needing to hear a thank you (cough, cough, Pisces), words of appreciation go a long way with an Aries.
  • Ask them out to lunch every once in a while. Aries likes feeling important, and they like being around people they can talk to. Asking them out to lunch makes them feel valued and also shakes up their otherwise-boring workday routine. And it probably goes without saying that you should let them pick the restaurant.
  • If you sense they're in a bad mood, leave them alone. Don't ask them what is wrong. If they want to talk about it, they will. You're better off just staying out of their way until they've self-regulated.

So Your Partner Is an Aries Sun...
I take it you're not a boring person. It's impossible to be boring when you love an Aries Sun. More than likely, you're the quieter one. You follow your partner's lead, and they love that about you!

  • Take no shit.An angry Aries can be petty or brutish; they may even fall into the role of bully. They don't do this intentionally, but when they're in a bad mood, they just want to watch the world burn. Stand up for yourself. Don't argue, because you won't win. Hold your ground and let them know what's up. Aries respects people who have a backbone.
  • Spend time with them. Aries may not be the most touchy-feely sign, but they do value quality time. Having a spontaneous adventure, creating a little chaos, and laughing the whole time is Aries's recipe for a perfect day.
  • Remember why you love them. Sometimes their blunt advice or targeted quips can be too much, and it's easy to wonder what you liked about them in the first place. In those moments, think back to all the fun times you've had together. Remember that they are a good person with a bit of a temper, and do everything you can not to engage with them when they're angry—you'd only add more fuel to the fire.
  • Work alongside them. If you want your relationship to grow—and if both of you want to grow as people—you need to do it together. On their own, Aries rarely pursues self-development. Working through their triggers and choosing healthier responses to stress is something they'll need a little help with. At the end of the day, they need you to be the bucket of water that (gently) reduces their inferno to a smolder.

Excerpted from It's All About Astrology by Nicole Wells. Check out more about Aries placements (as well as the other eleven signs!) here.

About Nicole Wells

Nicole Wells is a Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, and Taurus rising. Five years ago, Nicole took her lifelong interest in astrology to the next level and began studying in earnest. Now, she shares her interest in astrology with ...

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