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Holy Water: Principles and Process

(Christian Ritual)


  1. A trace of salt in the water is a necessity as salt is the emblem of the element of Earth. Salt is crystalline, and crystals—in their different forms—receive and hold etheric magnetism better than anything else.
  2. Water is the emblem of the psychic sphere.
  3. Only Earth and the psychic spheres can “host” the general range of occult evil. 


  1. Pointing the 1st & 2nd fingers at the salt, chant I exorcise thee, creature of the Earth, by the Living God, (make the sign of the cross with the first two fingers extended, the remaining fingers flat towards the palm and the thumb laid upon their nails) By the Holy God (sign of the cross), By the Omnipotent God (sign of the cross), thou mayest be purified of all evil influences in the name of Adonai, Who is the Lord of Angels and of men.”
  2. Extending hand over salt, chant Creature of Earth, adore thy Creator. In the name of God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of Jesus Christ His Son, our Savior, I consecrate thee (sign of the cross) to the service of God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.
  3. Pointing 1st & 2nd fingers at the Water, chant I exorcise thee, creature of Water, by the Living God (sign of the cross), by the Lord God (sign of the cross), By the Omnipotent God (sign of the cross), thou mayest be purified of all evil influences in the name of Elohim Sabaoth, Who is the Lord of Angels and of men.
  4.  Extending hand over water, chant Creature of Water, adore thy Creator. In the name of God the Father Almighty, Who decreed the firmament in the midst of the waters, and of Jesus Christ His Son, our Savior, I consecrate thee (sign of the cross) to the service of God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.
  5. Casting the salt into the water, chant We pray  thee, O God, Lord of Heaven and Earth, and all that in them is, both visible and invisible, that thou mayest stretch forth the right hand of Thy power upon these creatures of the elements and hallow them in Thy Holy Name. Grant that this salt may make for health of soul, and that there may be banished from this place where they are used every power of adversity and every illusion and artifice of evil, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Savior, Amen.
  6. The consecrated water may be used as a bath, for making the sign of the cross upon the forehead, or for sprinkling about a place. When using, pray: In the Name which is above every other name, and in the power of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, I exorcise all influences and seeds of evil; I lay upon them the spell of Christ’s Holy Church, that they mayest be bound fast as with charms and cast into utter darkness, that they may trouble not the servants of God.
See also:  Holy Water
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