The Second Degree of Sex Magick in the GBG, Dianism is sexual union without climax. It’s further training, but unlike Alphaism with its emphasis on avoidance here the partners should be warm and ardent, but controlled. It’s like a surfer riding the crest of the wave forever. There should be no feelings of frustration for it is without “lust for result.” Rather than allowing oneself to be submerged in the full flow of pleasurable sensation, one should allow the ecstasy to feed the fires of aspiration and inspiration. Dianism is not an end in itself but rather is the means to a greater end than orgasm, which is fleeting. One comes, and then it’s gone. Here, Dianism uses the energy of sexual ecstasy to feed the fire of concentration—which we will learn to project in the attainment of our magickal goal. Both concentration and meditation disciplines are involved in the practice of Dianism. The role of the male is the more challenging, and he should withhold from consciousness any awareness of a known earthly personality. Each partner regards the other as a god or goddess. While it is natural at first for the known personality to intrude, it should be as persistently suppressed, so that the partner is regarded, finally, as a visible manifestation of one's own Holy Guardian Angel. The aim of Dianism and its highest magick lies in continuing the union until such time as one goes into the "Borderland" state. A hallucinatory meditation may be achieved, in which one is submerged in spiritual inspiration and aspiration. All things require time, regularity and persistence for results. Many experiments indicate that one or two hours, or even more, are required to attain to the Borderland state. And it takes time to build up the energized enthusiasm of the Magickal Imagination which gives one's thoughts subjective reality. It might take thirty minutes or it might take hours to build up a satisfactory force. Individuals are different, and each must work out his individual technique. Dianism is not to be regarded as an end in itself, but as a great means to further very great ends. In time one will learn through practice to concentrate on a chosen point, while at the same time suffering the sexual ecstasy. The fire of concentration will replace the preoccupation with sexual sensation. What seems difficult at first will become greater pleasure with accompanying spiritual awareness with experience. |