Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

The Human Mind

The mind of man is a marvelous and complicated creation, possibly the least understood facet of the non-physical side of man. The mind is the nonphysical counterpart of the brain. It resembles but exceeds the finest computer assembled by man, in that it has infinite capacity for efficient information storage and retrieval if programmed properly. The mind, however, has free will, creativity and feels emotion, things which immediately separate it from being just a computer. The scope of the mind is unlimited, and can travel through time and space in a split second. The mind can penetrate any barrier, and its memory banks survive the death of the physical body. The mind is immortal, and has the power of imagination. Nothing has ever been created which was not first created in the mind through imagination.

There are certain levels of the mind, what we call the subconscious, which manifest in brain wave activity labeled alpha, theta and delta, which are infinitely powerful for constructive or destructive purposes. These levels of mind lack the ability to reason, make value judgments, or use logic. They blindly act on whatever instruction or information is presented. Logic, reason and judgment are functions of the conscious mind or beta level. For man to be a whole being, living in the manner he was intended, he must learn to tear down the artificial barriers which have been erected between the conscious and the subconscious mind, and integrate the abilities which open the doorway into a world of infinite possibility.

If man learns to function as a whole being, then the logic or reason factor will automatically evaluate the information being fed into the subconscious and interpret it in the proper manner. He can get on with living freely in the manner he was intended, rather than having to spend time and energy dealing with the effects of randomly stored misinformation and illogical instructions that produce situations never intended. Past life regression is one way to begin to tear down that barrier.

Past Life or Imagination?
Are the experiences people relive during past life regression really memories of past lives, or simply the result of an active imagination? Does it matter? Not really. Whether memory or imagination, the source of the information does not affect the validity of the experience as a problem-solving exercise.

People want to solve problems, therefore the mind wants to solve problems, and will make every effort to do so when given the opportunity. If Albert James, the alcoholic, didn’t really live a lifetime as a railroad construction worker and die in an accident, does it matter? Does it matter if it was nothing more than the exercise of his imagination? The information produced allowed him to gain control of his problem.

Is Ken any less alive if Erica’s medical and herbal knowledge was not remembered from past lifetimes? But, if that information did not come from past lifetimes, where did Erica’s mind venture to retrieve such knowledge? That suggests some intriguing possibilities if you choose to reject the past life memory thesis. Can the mind just instantly reach out and acquire knowledge and skills it has never learned? Whatever the answer may be, past life regression is a method for personal investigation.
See also:  Past Life Regression
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