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An Interview with Patrick Mathews

1. Patrick, your new book, Everlasting Love, is the third book you've written about your gifts as a medium and helping people connect with their loved ones on the other side. When did you first recognize your intuitive gifts?

As I discuss in detail in my first book, Never Say Goodbye, I started to connect with those who had passed when I was a very young age, around the age of six. I didn't realize at that age that what I was experiencing then would eventually become my life's work; I just thought I was seeing a lot of ghosts around me and trying to scare Kathy at night by telling her so. The wonderful thing was that my parents did not discourage us from making those connections. We were brought up knowing that there is an afterlife and communication is certainly possible.

2. Kathy, in Patrick's previous two books, Never Say Goodbye, and Forever with You, he also touches on the bonds of relationships not severed by death. Why is this topic so important to you both?

Kathleen MathewsBecause that is the crux of our work, to let people know that there is no death and all relationships continue. Whether between husband and wife, parent and child, or siblings, relationships do continue because life continues! We want the reader to know that the afterlife is just another part of life. It is where we continue to work, have fun, and take care of each other. Patrick shows in the examples of readings showcased in his books that we can learn so much from the life and death experiences of each other, and that they are lessons for all to gain from each journey. It is up to each individual whether or not they learn the lessons.

3. Do we all have the ability that Patrick has in communicating with our loved ones in spirit? Is it something we should be doing?

Some of us are more intuitive than others. Connecting with spirit comes easy for some and is a challenge for others; it really depends on your own ability and how much time and effort you want to invest. Keep in mind that your loved ones in spirit reach out to you every day in the form of signs, dreams, and thoughts, to name a few. The involvement by your loved ones in your everyday life is a part of their everyday life, as well. The more you recognize the connections, the more in touch you will be with them.

4. Kathy, Everlasting Love focuses more on relationships of a romantic nature, rather than familial or friendly. How are the stories of the bonds between loved ones and their partners who have crossed over similar or different from others you have encountered? Are they more intense, given the nature of the relationships?

Love is the bond between two people and can certainly be intense, whether it is between romantic partners, parents, siblings, or others. Romantic love has to be nurtured differently from other love, but each relationship is powerful on its own merits. However, relationships between partners can require more physical effort to express the depths of that love, whereas the others are more emotional.

5. Patrick, this is the first book you've written with your sister, Kathleen. Does she embrace her gifts as a medium in the same way you do?

Kathy's gifts tend to run on the psychic side of things, and although she is not a medium, her intuitive talents come to the forefront when she counsels people in group settings, demonstrations, and other live events. Her compassion, coupled with a no-nonsense attitude, complements my style, and that's why we make a great team.

6. Kathy, what do you hope readers will take away from Everlasting Love?

Besides several copies? No, seriously, I hope the readers will find each reading of Patrick's not only inspiring but that it gives their life perspective. By that I mean that no matter what challenges you go through, there are those who are going through the same or worse. We should learn from each experience, good or bad, as it gives us the opportunity to learn and to teach. One unique aspect of Everlasting Love will be the meditations that will take the reader to different destinations. I hope they will use these meditations to set out on different journeys and new adventures with their loved ones in spirit. I think this is a new and exciting way for people to connect with their loved ones and not only celebrate old memories, but make new ones. I hope that the main truth that the reader will take away is that love never dies and continues to grow in this life and the next.

About Patrick Mathews

As a medium, lecturer, teacher and author, Patrick Mathews has helped countless people around the world with his gift of communicating with those in spirit. Mathews has appeared on numerous national television and radio ...

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