POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Family, AND MORE

Sunday Herbal Meditation

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon

Combine bay leaves, cinnamon, cedar, and sagebrush, and meditate with them, asking for their blessings and giving thanks for their energies. Light one green and one yellow candle, then hold your hands out over the herbs. Visualize your home and land filled with the healing energy of the Sun. See this merge with Earth energy, creating a bubble that surrounds your home and family. Send this visualization into the herbs through your hands, and say:

Sacred herbs of Earth and Sun,
Bring health and light to every one.
Bless our travels and our hearth,
Honored plants of Sun and Earth.

Bury the mixture at the entrance to your land or at your front and back doors of your home.

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