POSTED UNDER Earth, Water, Winter

Let the Water Flow Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Geranium

As winter begins to release its icy grip, water starts to flow. Ice turns to water. Frost oozes from the earth, brooks begin to flow, and rivers run again. Water, the giver of life on this planet, flows again. Without it, everything—and I mean everything—on this Earth would perish. The seed would not sprout, and crops would wither. We spend the first half of March in Pisces, the zodiac sign ruled by watery Neptune. This is a perfect time to honor the element of water.

All you need for this ritual is your ritual cup—filled with water. Place the cup in the center of your altar. Scry into the water-filled cup. See the rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans of our abundant Earth. See them flowing and waves crashing. Then say:

I thank the water from every source

For being our Earth’s life force.

End by walking outside with your cup. Gently pour the water upon the earth.

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