POSTED UNDER Dog, Snow, Water

Shake It Off

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle

A very hectic time of the year has just passed. Even those who revel in resolutions may find baggage, anxiety, or other negativity still hanging around from the last couple of months. Go outside, even if it's cold, and find a spot where your feet touch ground or snow (not asphalt or concrete) and plant yourself firmly in position. Give yourself a good steady base and then begin shaking your hands, your arms, and roll your neck in all directions. Add in a chant of "revive my life." Twist at the waist as you give all these body parts a good shaking.

Visualize residual negative energy flinging from your body, like a dog shakes off water. Keep your feet firmly planted, remaining grounded while you let fly any stagnant energy.

Visualize clean, crisp, renewed energy snaking up your body through your legs to cleanse and replace what was lost. Take several deep breaths, releasing through your mouth with a big whooooosh to finish letting it all go.

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About Kerri Connor
Kerri Connor is the leader of The Gathering Grove (a family-friendly, earth-based spiritual group) and has been practicing her craft for over thirty-five years. She is the author of several books, including Spells for Tough Times, and her writing has appeared in Head magazine and several Pagan ...
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