Banishing with Bay

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

This spell helps you get rid of inhibitions. You'll need a bay leaf and a fine point marker, both available from grocery stores. You'll also need a green or black jar candle, a heatproof surface, and a box of matches. Write what you feel is impeding your progress on the bay leaf. If you feel you need to elaborate for clarity, use more than one leaf. This is acceptable, but remember the order in which you wrote on them. Light the candle. Then light the bay leaf with the candle flame, saying:
I burn thee to stop thee burning me.

When the bay leaf gets too hot to handle, drop it into the jar candle. Repeat with as many leaves as you used, keeping them in order (so the spell maintains its clarity of intent). When you are finished, pinch out the candle or use a candle snuffer, and put the lid on the candle. Save this candle to repeat the spell for new situations in the future.

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9435