POSTED UNDER Bath, Garden, Spring, AND MORE

Blessed Bees

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Pine

September is National Honey Month, an opportune time to recognize the importance of bees in our lives. Without our pollinators, the whole planet's ecosystem would be in trouble. While most of us can't become beekeepers, we can help bees in several easy ways:

  • Fall is a great time to plan your garden for the following spring. Choose bee-friendly plants that are native to your region. Some of my favorites include sunflowers, basil, lavender, calendula, clary sage, hyssop, and verbena.
  • To treat pests, use organic products and natural solutions rather than harmful sprays and chemical fertilizers.
  • Create mini bee baths—which are just like a bird bath, but shallow, with stones that bees can rest on to refresh themselves.
  • Buy local. Support your local beekeepers by keeping an eye out for them in local shops and at farmers' markets. Many people find that consuming locally produced honey also reduces their allergies!
  • Research the kinds of bees in your area so you can recognize them on sight—and know what they need to thrive.
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About Laura Tempest Zakroff
Laura Tempest Zakroff (she/they) is a professional artist, author, performer, and Modern Traditional Witch based in New England. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric through her ...
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