Color of the day: Pink Incense of the day: Vanilla When a situation or person dominates our thoughts, it's hard to get perspective. This spell helps you create space, opening your mind to creative solutions and new possibilities. Fire requires oxygen to burn, and this spell temporarily cuts off the supply to a situation that's been getting too much airtime in your mind. You'll need a small votive candle, a glass jar, and a heatproof surface. Start by charging the candle with the energy of the situation you wish to step back from. Hold the candle in both hands as you envision the situation, feeling its energy ebbing out of your body, mind, and soul and into the candle. Set the candle on a heatproof surface and light it. As you place the glass jar over the candle, upside down, chant the following incantation: If you find yourself mulling over the situation in the future, repeat the process, allowing yourself to release what no longer serves and return to center. |