POSTED UNDER Blessing, Business, Charm, AND MORE

Abundance Charm

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Lilac

Craft this charm to draw abundance into your life. Cut out a circle of dark green fabric. With a green pen or marker, write the word "abundance" on the fabric three times. Lay the fabric in front of you, with the side that you wrote on facing up. Place in the middle of the circle three acorns and two shiny pennies. Touch the acorns and pennies as you imagine experiencing the abundance you seek. Sprinkle the acorns and coins generously with cinnamon and basil, envisioning more and more abundant blessings. Gather the fabric around the mixture, twist the top, and tie it off with a red string. Carry the bundle with you or put it in a special place in your home or business to help draw in abundance and magnify good fortune.

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Melanie Marquis is an award-winning author of many books including Llewellyn's Little Book of Moon Spells, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Pioneer and Publisher of Body, Mind, and Spirit (IPPY Gold Medal winner for Best Biography), Beltane, Lughnasadh, and A Witch's World of Magick. She is also the ...
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