POSTED UNDER Beltane, Sun, Yule

Sun Flowers

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Geranium

Many flowers that enjoy full sunlight also resist heat and drought. They are often associated with the sun and the element of fire. Examples include sunflowers, sunchokes, black-eyed Susans, daisies, Indian blankets, marigolds, Mexican hats, yellow coneflowers, and zinnias. Sunflowers and some others are heliotropic, leaning toward the sun.

You can pick these flowers and preserve them to save the sun's energy for the darker parts of the year. Small, soft flowers like marigolds may be pressed whole. For larger ones, like sunflowers, pick off the petals and press them. Those with a big center, like coneflowers, may be dried as seedheads for interesting texture in flower arrangements. As you harvest the flowers, visualize the sunlight going into them and filling them with the power of fire. Once preserved, you can use these spell components in many ways. Add petals to incense or use them to cast a circle. Toss dried seedpods into a ritual fire. They're especially useful at Yule and Beltane.

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