Color of the day: Green Incense of the day: Balsam The new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions, but this month let’s engage this practice with a twist. Often when we set intentions, we’re focusing on something we want to change, fix, or accomplish—there’s an emphasis on doing. From now until the next full moon (on the 26th), choose instead something that you’ll give your attention to, shifting the emphasis to simply being present with it. For instance, perhaps you choose to focus on your relationship with money or a particular family dynamic. Select objects to represent this focus, and place them on your altar or somewhere you’ll regularly see. Spend time daily, even just a minute or two, paying attention to your area of focus, perhaps looking at the items and noticing, without judgment, any thoughts or feelings that arise. Or you might light a candle on a heatproof surface and say, “I acknowledge you, (describe the focus area).” Don’t leave the candle unattended. Acceptance is the prerequisite to change, and spending a moon phase simply being present can pave the way for profound shifts. |