Divination Tea Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood

The beginning of the year is an excellent time to perform divination for information on how the rest of the year will go. This tea will help you open your third eye and open up to the messages that you most need to hear. To prepare the tea, you will need the following:

* 1 part mugwort
* 2 parts hibiscus
* 1 part nettle

Boil water, and as the water heats up, mix the herbs together in a bowl, holding the intention of seeing clearly. Put the tea mixture into a strainer, place this in a teapot, and pour the hot water over the herbs.

As the tea steeps, set up your space for divination. Set out candles if you so desire, and get ready to step into divinatory space.

Carefully and intentionally pour yourself a cup of tea from the pot. Sit down in front of your divination method of choice and see what unfolds. Make sure you take notes!

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Phoenix LeFae (Sebastopol, CA) is a professional reader, rootworker, teacher, and ritualist. She has been practicing witchcraft for almost thirty years, and her teachings are connected to the Reclaiming Tradition, Druidry, and Gardnerian Wicca. She is also the owner of an esoteric Goddess shop ...
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