Thanksgiving Reflection

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Clove

Magick isn’t just about getting the things we want; it’s also about personal growth, and Thanksgiving is a powerful time to do a little personal development work. Take a moment to think about the various injustices currently taking place and what you can do to help those whose rights and opportunities are being trampled on. Write these things down on a small piece of paper or an index card.

Place a pillar candle (and its holder) on top of your piece of paper, then light your candle while saying:

 May the words written here remind

me to be aware of the suffering of

others and my commitment to help

right those wrongs. So mote it be!

Keep your candle in sight during the day, and take some time between bites of turkey and cranberry sauce to reflect on how we can and should do better as a society. Keep your card or piece of paper once the candle burns down (or you blow it out) to serve as a reminder to help others.

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Jason Mankey is a third-degree High Priest and prolific Witchcraft author (ten books and counting). A bit of a nomad in his younger years, Jason has lived in both the Midwest and the American South, and currently resides in California's Silicon Valley, where he helps run two local covens with his ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9113