POSTED UNDER Bath, Water, Wind

Wash Away the Day

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Cypress

Use this cleansing bath to relax and unwind, especially if you’ve had a challenging day. Prepare as you normally would for a relaxing bath or shower. For example, light some candles and play some music. If you’re using a tub, add some Epsom salts, bubble bath, essential oils, or a bath bomb. Create the most relaxing atmosphere you can imagine. If you don’t have a bathtub, prepare the room with the candles and use an infuser for essential oils.

Visualize the water literally washing away stress and tension. As you bathe or shower, chant these words over and over until you’re completely relaxed.

Water, wash the day away,
Help me keep the stress at bay.

If you need a quick fix, splash water over your face while you chant.

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About Ember Grant
Ember Grant is a full-time English professor and teaches writing, poetry, and literature. She has been writing for Llewellyn for more than twenty years and is the author of numerous articles and four books: Mythology for a Magical Life, The Book of Crystal Spells, The Second Book of Crystal Spells, ...
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