Midwives Day (Bulgaria)

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Rue

Brigid is the goddess of many dominions, including fertility and childbirth, which is the focus of today, as it’s Midwives Day in Bulgaria. We will focus on Brigid as maker and one of her animals, the pure white bull.

Our work honors Brigid for looking after babies, and those either wanting to have a child or who are pregnant and ready to soon give birth. This is an offering from your heart to her spirit and familiars. If this is not right for you at the moment, gift it to a family member or friend. Goddess Brigid leads and commands ale production, and she should be feted for that too. She and her white bull love cakes, and with that in mind, let’s construct an offering.

On your doorstep, place a freshly baked cake next to a mug of ale, with a full head of foam. Around the ale, place a few coins to pay Brigid for her generosity and assistance.

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