POSTED UNDER Blessing, Family, Friends, AND MORE

Anti-Black Friday Gratitude Ritual

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Violet

The holiday season is a wonderful time to enjoy friends and family, but it can be easy to forget that this doesn’t have to include overspending, overconsumption, or the stress that can sometimes surround shopping for others. To remind yourself of the blessings you already have and encourage closeness with loved ones, do this ritual, either alone or with a group.

Place a bowl in the middle of the table. Each participant should have a pile of tokens of some kind. You may use marbles, beads, pieces of candy, or practically anything small. Everyone should have at least ten tokens.

Take turns going around and dropping a token in the bowl while expressing gratitude for a blessing in your life. Be as specific as possible. You must take a turn for each token, which may mean that you have to dig a little! A higher number of tokens challenges participants to reach for blessings they might otherwise have forgotten about.

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