POSTED UNDER Family, Friends

Listen to Your Instincts

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Myrrh

Some days you wake up energized for a new venture or the completion of a project, and ready to accomplish anything, but your calendar is full of obligations. There comes a time and place to listen to your body and soul and point that energy inward.

Try this today. First perform whatever morning ritual you have. Then contact those to whom you have obligations—work, family, friends— and cancel those plans. Next, plant yourself in front of your chosen task and ready, set, go! My personal preparation on such days includes candles for aromatherapy and a request to the appropriate goddess or muse, such as this one:

(Name of goddess or muse), I thank
you for your inspiration. Allow
the creativity to flow through me.
Guide my hands in the performance
of this work in your honor.
All is well. Blessed be.

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