Color of the day: Lavender Incense of the day: Clary sage Valentine’s Day has come and go ne, and many of us may be glad to see it go. Sometimes romantic love is the last thing you need, especially if the relationship is toxic, limiting, or just long past its expiration date. The best way to break up with someone is almost always faceto- face, with directness and honesty, but a little magical help can ease the process. On a slip of paper, write down your grievances. Focus on your own feelings and experiences. After all, you can only control yourself, not your partner! You can make a list or create a picture or sigil instead. When you’re finished, safely burn the paper in a heatproof dish or cauldron, visualizing the relationship ending smoothly. Say: Go quickly, go completely, Scatter the ashes in the wind or bury them far away from where you live (maybe in a public park or a forest, where the energy can dissipate safely and you aren’t trespassing). You want this relationship out of your life, so make sure the spell remains are nowhere near your home! |