A Peace Candle Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

This candle spell is good to use any time, but it’s very helpful during the holiday season. Perform this spell before you have company, preferably a day or two ahead of time. It’s ideal to use if you’ll be entertaining relatives who don’t get along. You’ll need two white or blue candles, olive oil, and a white or blue piece of fabric.

First, rub each candle with a drop of olive oil. Visualize your guests enjoying themselves. Then wrap the candles in the fabric. Put the candles in a quiet place, such as a closet, for a day or two. This will let them magically charge.

Before company arrives, place the candles where your guests will sit. Safely light the candles. As they burn, “see” their flames surrounding your guests with peace and calm.

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