POSTED UNDER Cat, Family, Halloween, AND MORE

Lost Loved One Remembrance Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Rose

Many Witches associate Samhain/Halloween with ancestors and lost loved ones, but such rites can be practiced at any time of year. Most years on September 11, I think a great deal about my family and those I’ve lost over the years. Reaching out to loved ones who have moved beyond the veil is not complicated and can be done whenever you need their guidance or presence.

Place a picture of your deceased loved one on your altar (or write their name on a piece of paper), and place something they loved in this life next to it. Follow this by repeating their name several times and then saying:

I love and miss you and
long for your voice.
Come to this place now
if it be your choice.
So mote it be.

Feel their presence around you and speak to them as you did when they were in this world.

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About Ari Mankey
Ari Mankey has been practicing Witchcraft and creating spells for over twenty years. With her husband, Jason, she runs two covens in the San Francisco Bay Area.   ...
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