Brothers and Sisters Day

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
This is Brothers and Sisters Day, which honors siblings of blood and spirit, and the special relationship between them. Close platonic ties are often spoken of in this regard. If you don't have any siblings, consider volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America or a similar organization.

For this spell you will need a picture of something to symbolize siblings. The constellation Gemini, cherry twins, or peas in a pod can all be used. Cast a circle and invoke sibling deities, such as the twins Artemis and Apollo, sisters Pele and Namakaokahai, or brothers in spirit Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Ask them to fill your life with brotherly/ sisterly love. Meditate on the sibling bonds in your family of blood and/or choice. Charge the symbol with this energy. Finally, release the deities and your circle.

Afterward, you may keep the symbol on your altar, carry it, or give it to your sibling.
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